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  1. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Thanks! I took a little sample and tried it - it was really nice, even better now 2 weeks later, I'm sure. I got one of those little hand-held 100x-60x microscopes at Radio Shack and WOW - I think most of the plants are ready to harvest! Woo hoo!
  2. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay. My computer died and my other one didn't like the memory card in my camera. My computer is still dead (using a back up machine) and a different memory card. Technology blows sometimes. The girls are lovely. I think I'm getting pretty close to harvesting...
  3. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hey loadeddragon - I'm in week 8, but I'm not sure when the official start is. I counted from the time I could REALLY tell sex. My camera is being peculiar with my backup PC (good one crashed hard before our vacation), but I will post more pics soon. The girls are getting HUGE.
  4. joebuck

    The Emu Experiment

    Is that your emu? I love animals but I don't know if I could be high around an emu. That stare can start freaking you out. I've been beaked by one too (in Australia) - but I have to admit that was funny. That big bird bobble head. It should be good - I put turkey poop compost on my garden 2...
  5. joebuck

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    changing the subject back to the OP.... Here's outdoor greenhouse Trixie, filling in...not a huge monster, but you can only get so big in a recycling container.
  6. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    :mrgreen: I'm happy to say that all of the plants survived the big rain we had last week and are filling's wild to go through the grow process because to see your plants take the shape you've seen on other plants is very trippy! It's been a LONG process but I can see why people get...
  7. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hey crackbaby! Good to hear from you! Did you harvest yet? (I have to look at your GJ and see!) I am neeming, but it just smells SO nasty. It won't affect the taste if I've got a few more weeks of flowering? (I am in week 5.)
  8. joebuck

    Trixie is getting sticky! (PICS)

    Bagseed. I'm guessing sativa...smells very nutty right now - sometimes it almost smells chocolatey...wouldn't that be dangerous? Chocolate weed? The bag it came from had very sticky dense buds, but it was very seedy - but hey, looks like those pesky seeds might turn out to be a good thing...
  9. joebuck

    Trixie is getting sticky! (PICS)

    That's funny - pretty soon she won't fit in Speed Racer's Mach 5!
  10. joebuck

    Ahhh crap, THRIPS!

    Sweet! Thanks! Again, good luck with the pests. :weed:
  11. joebuck

    Ahhh crap, THRIPS!

    What site? I have used Arbico Organics in the past but their shipping is really high right now. I'm really sorry about the thrips. We've had a hell of a time with them too - they pretty much killed my tomatos off completely. Between the thrips and the spider mites, it's been rough. I hope I...
  12. joebuck

    Spider Mites and 1 week from harvest HELP!

    Yeah, I got some of the Fungicide3 but it's just Neem - and Neem smells like ASS so I definitely don't want that on my buds. I did spray the leaves that I could, hoping to at least hold them off. I was wondering about compressed air. You could spray outside and then store for curing. Don't...
  13. joebuck

    Trixie is getting sticky! (PICS)

    Just wanted to share my happy Friday - went in the greenhouse to check on the girls this a.m. and Trixie is starting to get sticky! I feel like a Mom that sees the first signs of impending maturity on her daughter. Awwww! Look at her! I'll post more on my grow journal - comments welcome here...
  14. joebuck

    Spider Mites and 1 week from harvest HELP!

    I'm right behind you and have been fighting them as well. Tried a baking soda/apple cider vinegar/dish soap/lemon juice combo that worked for about a week...but it did singe some of the pistils and small leaves. I'm on the hunt for some other solution too. Don't have a local store where I am -...
  15. joebuck

    oh please tell me whats wrong this is the second plant!!

    Hey there - are you sure you're not overdosing it w/ nutes? All that stuff is great in moderation.
  16. joebuck

    Dropped something in greenhouse, amputated branches in flower...can I clone them?

    thanks, NoDrama - I haven't cloned successfully yet, so this will be interesting.... ;)
  17. joebuck

    Dropped something in greenhouse, amputated branches in flower...can I clone them?

    :confused: Hey RIUppers - I was puttering in the greenhouse and dropped a plexiglass sheet on one of my plants (Etta, who is struggling anyway). It broke off about 6 branches that are in flower. Can I clone them or is it just a loss? (UGH!) Also, do I need to do anything for the poor stalk...
  18. joebuck

    Our First Time Growing

    Hey gillfman - that's a great use for all that phone cord laying around not connected to anything. (A phone...with a cord?) Excellent suggestion and a good reason to get out the cord stripper, which is always fun to use. ;)
  19. joebuck

    Our First Time Growing

    hey Chikeeta! Glad to see ya'll are still going! :) For slugs, a shallow dish of beer near your plants will attract the slugs/snails and then drown them. There is also copper tape that they hate - you can wrap the bottoms of your plants w/ it or create a barrier w/ it. Slug Off Copper Barrier...
  20. joebuck

    SpiderMites, flowering - help! How can I treat them?

    Hey Calicat - yeah, I can't get ladybugs without a 60 mile drive or shipping them in. Might do the drive this weekend. I also don't know if they will live here right now as we are in the peak of an insuffrable summer and it's around or over 100 degrees daily. There is a natural garden center...