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  1. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Here's some more from today - Bessie and Trixie. Trixie has some damaged/burst trichs - that's what you'll see the amber on (don't let it fool you). The rest of her trichs are more clear than Bessie's. Bessie: Trixie:
  2. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hi everybody - Well, got some samples off of Trixie and Bessie (Etta is far from ready) and here's the results. Need more time, definitely. Trixie has some damaged trichs that I think might have fooled me had I not read RIU because they are decievingly amber. I think it's interesting to note...
  3. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Hey there - sorry for the late was a long, great weekend that I'm only starting to recover from. The one I got is the QX5.
  4. joebuck

    Pics of My First Harvest...Purple Buds

    Next year, I want plants like THAT! I can smell them from here! +rep for gorgeous plants, bravo!
  5. joebuck

    This is what Malasses Does!

    if I am 1-2 weeks from harvesting, can I still use some? Want them buds to be sweeeeeeet!
  6. joebuck


    Thank you! There's no assurance I won't f*ck it up in the curing process, but so far so good...3 plants coming up!
  7. joebuck


    LOL! Sounds like you had a good time, that's all that counts. As long as you didn't wake up with a horseshoe stamped on you, it's all good. :clap:
  8. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Not really. I need something that's not sensitive to high temperatures and likes alkaline, well-drained soil. I'm probably going to dig out a spot and then build a raised bed around it 'cause our "soil" is more like rock. At least with the seeds I have from Maimie and Millie (only found 8 or...
  9. joebuck


    Congrats on your tast sample! Now you have to be patient! WTF is a pollen beast though? I must be getting old - or you got verrrrryyyyy high and imagined some shit! :lol:
  10. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Thanks, tyler. No idea on the strain, just bagseed. I supposed some sort of sativa because of the leaf structure. Next year I'll plant the few (so far) seeds I've found but will also get some identified strains (feminized, no more of this plant now, tell sex later bullshit!).
  11. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Last page - in fact, I just updated it. Thanks for lookin'!
  12. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Just covered the greenhouse because it may dump in a few minutes and the branches would surely break at this point if they got soaked. There's just 3 out of the 5 left now: Trixie, Bessie, and Etta. They are all dying off while the flowers mature. It's a sad and happy event. I'm a little sad...
  13. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    That is a beautiful thing! I think mine is a sativa - they all came from the same bag (bagseed), but I did a few different things to see what would work best and you can see it in the plants. Next year, I'm going in the ground or MUCH bigger pots...although it seems like the difference between a...
  14. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    It's pretty sweet - and easy to use. You can take snapshots or movies and export them. You can also pick it up out of the base to get close up looks at things that don't fit under the microscope - trust me, don't look in belly buttons! EEEEEEE!
  15. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Thanks, man - it means alot. I worked hard and learned SO MUCH. I can really see how growing can be addictive! I'm growing outdoors, so waiting for next year will be rough - and I already can't wait!
  16. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    I'm waiting...the plant part of Trixie is dying off, so I'm delaying harvest as long as possible. You can see pics of the whole plant in my grow journal. I'm pretty happy with everything considering it's my first grow.
  17. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Yedh, look at Trixie in my grow journal.
  18. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Mic was $80, plant is 10 or 11 weeks now. :) how much longer?
  19. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    attaching a photo so people will see there are pics in here...forgot in subject line.
  20. joebuck

    trichs, microscope, digital blue, 60x

    Hey there - Just got a Digital Blue microscope (for kids) that I found super cheap. It only runs on a PC but it kicks ASS for checking out your baby's sticky parts. This is Trixie - just snipped a tiny tiny bit (like a grain of rice size) and I can see VERY clearly now! LOVE THIS TOY! I'm...