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  1. greendemon


    Only run your co2 at lights out and your exhaust is off.
  2. greendemon

    Transfering (Please Help)

    Don't use tap water ever. Unless you have well water and good ph.
  3. greendemon

    Transfering (Please Help)

    Take an empty cup like the ones your plants are in to measure size of hole you need to enlarge the one thats existing. Use the cup so it fits snug. Take the rockwool and run good water through it and do this untill the water is the same ph before you run through as it is after going through the...
  4. greendemon

    Storing Urine

    The containers are about 1/4 cup. I bring closer to 1/2 cup and pour the leftovers in toilet in case the swab it after you, so don't PEE in toilet.
  5. greendemon

    Fucked Up First Time

    That sounds like what we used to call stone tracks. It is usually with more novice smokers but i still get it once in a while. Sometimes being cold can bring it on if your already fucked up. Not typical of being high though. Don't give up,smoke less next time.
  6. greendemon


    I have done it twice in an actuall sweat tent and i can't even put it into words. The craziest shit i ever evperienced. I was friends with a son of a medicine man.
  7. greendemon

    Storing Urine

    Freeze it in a water bottle like dasani or whatever. Thats air tight.
  8. greendemon

    Storing Urine

    Freeze it i have passed 8 tests this way. Used one sample that was in freezer for 6 months.
  9. greendemon

    will more light hurt my buds??

    Typically you want to clone during veg stage. Not sure how well it will work taking fully flower plant changing back to veg. I have taken cutting when only week and half into flower and it took like almost month before seen turn around to veg. May not work in your case. someone out here may have...
  10. greendemon

    will more light hurt my buds??

    People can read some facts that maybe worked or didn't that people clam work but for the newbie let try not to miss inform the newbies. Between me and my family members we have over 3 decades of experience. So you can believe me or not check some of my pics.
  11. greendemon

    Pre Harvest Tips & Advice!!

    I run water over the rockwool to clean out build up and then just run ph water the rest of the time under lights. Yes sitting in the dark for couple days seems to help the size of my yield. The plant soaks up the rest of the moisture from the wool and the buds swell.
  12. greendemon

    Banana Theory ?????

    Never heard of that. Sounds like people trying to mess with other peoples minds.
  13. greendemon

    will more light hurt my buds??

    The more light you add might make the plant think its going to switch back to veg. 12/12 is the best. Light is like the seasons fall has less light hours than summer.
  14. greendemon

    How quickly can i harvest?

    If you plants are clone they are already mature. If they are from seed you will want they to veg atleast 3 weeks if not a month.
  15. greendemon

    How quickly can i harvest?

    veg time is how big you want your plant but flower time still depends on strain.
  16. greendemon


    5 oclock is right no hairs they are leaves. Cut down before he inpregnates your girls.
  17. greendemon

    will more light hurt my buds??

    I like the 12/12 best. My understanding is that the plant gathers energy in the light and actually grows in the dark time.
  18. greendemon

    feeding time!!! need help!

    If your in soil not all the time so as not to burn PPM burn is to strong of nutes. If your in hydro it should be all the time.
  19. greendemon


    Looks hermie, does the flower room get too hot?
  20. greendemon

    Using a plain mirror as a reflector?

    White on one side black on the other. They sell it at all grow shops. About same price as mylar.