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  1. benefit420

    Tips Of Leaves Turning Brown On One Plant.

    So on my Green crack clones 2 out of 3 the tips of fan leaves are turning brown. Dark brown. Blurry pic kinda, but you can see the brown tips and they seem to be getting worst. Comments suggestions please on what is going on. Im a noob grower.
  2. benefit420

    Weird looking leaves.... Normal or Not?

    Nice thank you its a clone himself so Im not planning on taking any clones. Im just a new grower trying to learn about the plant I love most in the world.
  3. benefit420

    Weird looking leaves.... Normal or Not?

    So here are some pics of this one plant. Looks healthy when looking at whole thing except for the fact that most cept a couple only have 3 fingers instead of 5. The other clones of similar strain have 5 fingers on the leaves unlike this one. Is this one deformed or what? Im new to MJ growing Im...
  4. benefit420

    my stinkbud video

    Wow I would love a setup just like yours. I like it all looks great. Plants look very healthy man kudos. You gotta spend to gain. But then again Im broke as fuck also but I havent invested nearly half of what you have got. I use a Growlab 80L, its a rectangle rather than a box. Fits perfectly...
  5. benefit420

    my stinkbud video

    I dig the setup, Im looking into a similar setup like yours also. +rep for you pic
  6. benefit420

    mite infestation, 2 weeks from harvest, HELP! This is a RIU users info guide on spider mites. Hope it helps GL
  7. benefit420

    mite infestation, 2 weeks from harvest, HELP!

    Im not a very experienced grower but from what I have read your pretty much *#%$#. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but If they have alreadys started webs I think its too late.
  8. benefit420

    Whats The Strongest Strain Out Now?

    A well grown Master Kush is a great indica in my book. Very few weeds have had me in a slump after one good rip.
  9. benefit420

    Damn man that picture does not look good what happend? How long between watering?

    Damn man that picture does not look good what happend? How long between watering?
  10. benefit420

    Questions on Seedling.....

    nice thank you
  11. benefit420

    Questions on Seedling.....

    So I got a jack herer seed, germed, planted, its about 1.5 2 inches and growing for about 4 days. Pic is below but when is it a good time to transfer it to a larger pot, and I heard a safe technique to let it veg for a little bit then clone and immediatly flower to see if it is a male or fem. Is...
  12. benefit420

    Hellllloo RIU

    Lets see if my sig is working....
  13. benefit420

    Hellllloo RIU

    hmmm i guess im not posting the link right. But thats a good idea for my sig. Ill set that up.
  14. benefit420

    Did my room mate just get me fired?

    ROFLMAO AT THIS THREAD, your not by chance related to the cop that ate the brownie are ya?
  15. benefit420

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    LOL so basically your saying No to legalization because you and others that have been making money through all this and because it could very much ruin your income you decide you dont want to legalize it? Sounds like a crock of shit to me. Im growing because I cant afford to spend 15-25 bucks a...
  16. benefit420

    Hellllloo RIU

    lol okay so I guess you would call that a baked moment. Thats the link for my grow journal.
  17. benefit420

    Humidity how important in vegging process?

    Ok so I had my humidity at like 56% but got a case of Powdery Mold. So im in the vegging process im a newbie, I know that a good range for mold to grow is in 50%+ humidity. So ive decided to drop my humidity to get the mold out of its grow enviroment and try and prevent futher cases. My main...
  18. benefit420

    Hellllloo RIU

    So Ive been on RIU for the last week and found to love this place. Im trolling these forums more and more, and learning a great deal from everyone. I would like to say so far everyone on here rocks. The new site aint bad its taking some getting use to and could use some easier links. Other than...
  19. benefit420

    4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow

    damn you guys do it rite............... im sitting here looking at my 12 babies thinking ya im the man. roflmao fucking eh guys i have something to dream for. lol
  20. benefit420

    newbie grower here...

    yea just checked out AMS site. very expensive but its kinda like costco or bulk buying your getting 10 seeds of what you want and 20 random seeds.