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  1. G


    those temps. aren't too bad. the higher temps. are necessary because w/o them, the stomata won't open as wide. yes sir, it is great for growth.
  2. G


    on only. lights off is a waste. also, unless your temps. are mid to upper 80's it's also a waste.
  3. G

    How can I top/trim after flowering starts

    you don't want to top them, too late. you could tie them down or throw a screen in there and do a scrog.
  4. G

    Inline fan... push or pull?

    yah, think of a fan as a chain. it's easier to pull a chain than to push it.
  5. G


    those are some good photos mt!
  6. G

    Curling leaves

    click on the pic and it'll expand.
  7. G

    Co2/Fan timers

    if you're in a box, don't use co2. it'll heat up too quickly. with an exhaust fan and passive intakes you''ll do fine.
  8. G

    Curling leaves

    here's good ph chart. i grow in coco and keep it 5.8 throughout.
  9. G

    Help pease

    start a grow thread dude....
  10. G


    since co2 is heavier than air, you don't want to spray it on the plants. release it above the plants, and it will slowly come down onto them.
  11. G

    PH issue? Heat stress? Something else?

    it kinda looks like a mag. def. but i also see the beginnings of the dreaded claw, so i'm thinking ph issue.
  12. G

    Using carbon filter to dry ? ?

    you could do that, but you wouldn't want to. a nice cure is a long slow process. it takes a good month, and it is as smooth as silk when you're done.
  13. G

    Cross Breeding

    you could throw all different kinds of pollen on a single plant. the pollens won't join together and make a single seed. to do that, you have to pollenate with one pollen type and then grow it out. there's your first cross. then, you throw some other pollen into the mix with the result of...
  14. G

    Help pease

    whatever soil you choose, get something that has no nutes in it at all. that way you decide when and how much they get w/o wondering if you're gonna burn them.
  15. G

    There's a little spot on the leaf.. what is it?

    it's funny you say bleach. looks exactly like bleaching to me. when the light is too close you can sometimes get bleaching. it's really no big deal. just back the light up a bit.
  16. G

    Ph issues

    how many plants and how big of a rez?
  17. G


    so you have a monitor and controller and intake exhaust fans and a sealed room? i'd like to do that someday, but it's so freakin pricey!!! you should see great results!!!
  18. G

    AHH MOLD, need help

    i've read of using a sulphur burner, but i'm not sure if that's to prevent or to cure the problem?????
  19. G

    Overfed or deficiency?? please help!!

    dude, a month ago??? if you're in soil you should be feeding weekly. az is right on with his diagnosis. if those plants are 4-6 weeks old, they should be at full strength nutes. if you noticed they burned early on, try 75% strength. i'd feed them now.