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  1. G

    Subcool's Super Soil

    wow! very, very informative thread. i was wondering if you had a formula for a smaller scale grow? something like 6 five gallon containers. so in a mix like yours, there's no feeding? i mean, is it necessary at all or an option?
  2. G

    pk 13/14

    when you use pk boosters it's necessary to reduce your regular feed strengths. if you don't, you could very likely burn your plants.
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    Cubing, Preserving Elite Genetic Lines

    sub, i did not do a search to see if you posted any other "how to threads." obviously, you are an asset here and a helpful member. my apologies!
  4. G

    Cubing, Preserving Elite Genetic Lines

    ^^^he always does this.^^^ he starts a thread that is supposed to be a teaching thread and turns it into his "selling his beans soapbox." it's a real shame, cause sub is a very knowledgeable guy. he's all about the money anymore. (even though he donates to med users. it's mostly just to get...
  5. G

    Nirvana Special

    i think the current special is 7 strains for $150.
  6. G

    Do DWC Roots need airspace?

    if your buckets only hold a small amount of water, then you're gonna have ph drift problems.
  7. G


    ^^^me too, i always use perlite with it.^^^
  8. G


    coco will only hold so much water and the rest drains out. imo it's the perfect medium.
  9. G

    Cubing, Preserving Elite Genetic Lines

    your memory doesn't serve you well. it is a good thing though, that you help the med community. kudos to you and yours. you should hang out here and go through the threads and help growers with their grow questions.
  10. G

    Cubing, Preserving Elite Genetic Lines

    my mistake, it was halloween and it was you. i don't consider passing on info, (even if it's not good) trolling. just because someone donates something doesn't make them beyond reproach.
  11. G

    Cubing, Preserving Elite Genetic Lines

    so here comes subcool with another one of his sales pitches masquerading as an informative thread. dude, fold up your tent and scram! you're so FOS it's funny! i heard about you and saw what kind of person you really are. if anyone wants to see what kind of judgement you "really" have, go to...
  12. G

    clones from lolipop?

    double ditto! much branchier and great for scrogs.
  13. G

    What the? Like Mexiblunt's?

    ice cubes are no good. it'l change your ph and ppm. the frozen bottles will work well. that's weird you're having temp. issues since it's winter. if your ph was 5.7-5.9 you'd still be good. i sometimes leave it if it's close. if you have less than 5 gallons per plant in your rez, you can...
  14. G

    What the? Like Mexiblunt's?

    something else i didn't notice before. you need to get that rez temp. down to below 70. that's a biggie! and try to get that ph in the area of 5.8. how big is your rez?
  15. G


    that's just like chocolate and vanilla. some like one, some like the other. i like run to waste. i know of "no" other method that delivers fresh full strength nutes, with every feed.
  16. G

    What the? Like Mexiblunt's?

    check the back of your leaves in the what looks like white area. look real close and see if you see some "tiny" bugs. i'm wondering if you could have thrips.
  17. G


    coco freaking rocks. i use coco and perlite at about 80/20. run to waste and there's no salt buildup problem. read this coco info. COCO COIR is a product derived from the husks of the coconut. Visually it looks like peat. It's air capacity is about 30%. Coir is most suited as a run to...
  18. G

    i left the wife in charge, please help.

    they could go either way, it depends on the stability of your gens. i don't understand how a room on 24/0 would be turned off???? and you should kick urself in the arse for not getting a timer for the other room. tell you what, you kick her in the ass, and she kicks you in the ass!!
  19. G

    Hydroponic Root Problem

    you could carefull pull out the discolored rootmass. it could cause you problems. you could also use some sort of zyme product. hygrozyme i think.
  20. G

    Garden Knowm is a complete NEWB

    i don't think jacks post is bad enough to ban him. although it was uncalled for, it didn't even contain cussing. seems like a cry for attention.