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  1. G

    Help - Growth Stopped? Leaves Dying.

    hey unity! sure there are buffers, but i've never been able to just add nutes and the ph be where it's supposed to be. funny you mention protekt, that's what i use for ph up. i don't use a lot of supplements, but i try and supplement ph up and down with supplements. i still have to use some...
  2. G

    do plants have personnal space???

    that's funny you mention this about plant space. i started a thread at the now dead overgrow once titled, "are plants aware of each other." it's amazing how in tune with each other they are. one guy suggested that overcrowding causes hermies. i wish i had all the info. from that thread.
  3. G

    Help - Growth Stopped? Leaves Dying.

    hey lamo, all nutes need to be ph adjusted. i suggest you do some reading yourself.
  4. G

    PPM Schedule

    ^^^that's good advice. they'll usually tell you when they're not happy.
  5. G

    Help - Growth Stopped? Leaves Dying.

    so it's kind of like a bubbler and all of your plants are in it? if you have that many plants in a small rez then that's your ph problem right there. in a bubbler type situation, each plant should have at least 5 gallons per. they're all eating and drinking from your rez. since it's so...
  6. G

    PPM Schedule

    yes sir! there's just no telling what's in the rez. of course the nute company is gonna tell you to add more nutes. the sooner you use them up, the sooner you can give them more mney. in the end, you should do what works best for you. most people i know who use a rez, top it up when it gets...
  7. G

    is this light stress?

    give em a few days. on second look, it looks like maybe the lights crisped a few of your leaves.
  8. G

    is this light stress?

    your plants look really good! it looks/sounds like you're experiencing yellowing off, totally normal. towards the end of their growth cycle, they start sucking the nutes out of themselves. this is the yellowing off. a lot of people start backing off on nutes and let the plant consume the...
  9. G

    Help - Growth Stopped? Leaves Dying.

    you can put flourescents almost right on top of your plants. just make sure there isn't too much heat. keep the ph at 5.8. at this point, i'd be feeding at 1/4 strength or about 200 ppm. i know you don't have a meter yet. just quarter the amount the bottle shows as full strength. the brown...
  10. G

    Fanning seedlings

    i leave a fan on during lights on. you can have one on all the time but really isn't necessary during lights out. all you want is a gentle breeze on the plants. to use a fan, to strengthen stems, isn't something you want to do. put a tomato cage in place early on, or just use stakes.
  11. G

    PPM Schedule

    in a recirculating rez, as the plant needs/wants certain nutrients, it takes them in. there's no way of knowing what is being utilized and in what proportions. one feed may involve more of one than the other. by replacing your nute strength to your desired ppm will result in too much of one...
  12. G

    First hydro attempt need advice / opinions (w/pics)

    yo slowjoe, you don't want to veg a plant too tall. in flower she could really stretch and cause you problems. i usually flower at 12 inches. it doesn't make sense to veg at much taller either. your light will only penetrate so far down into the canopy. how tall they get during veg plays no...
  13. G

    PPM Schedule

    i don't think there's anything out there (in our price range) that can give you a breakdown of specific nute levels. it can give you an overall ppm, but not a readout for each.
  14. G

    pH question

    sure, it'll work.
  15. G

    pH question

    sounds like you're off on your ph. 7 is too high for soil and you're hydro.
  16. G

    PPM Schedule

    i've never heard of adding nutes to an active rez. you top it up with ph'd water until the next changeout. if you just add nutes to raise the ppm you could really do some damage. you'd have no way of knowing what the npk levels will be after adding nutes to the rez.
  17. G

    Yellowing Lower Leaves (pics)

    why do you feel you don't need to feed your plants, are you in pre-ferted soil? that could be your problem. more details would be good.
  18. G

    Advanced Nutrients?

    i only veg till they're 12". if i vegged to 24" i'd have a freaking giant tree.
  19. G

    Oregon! First to legalize?

    i've lived in oregon, and before there's a big exodus there, you should know something. oregon is a VERY expensive place to live!!! everything costs more in oregon! i wanted to get my motorcycle endorsement on my license, it was like $80. and that was in addition to my regular fee. same...
  20. G

    Scrog & Topping

    in a scrog, you don't need to top. you're going to get a lot of growth tips and it really isn't necessary. topping slows things down.