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  1. Poobzilla

    Ready? Tricome pics

    Fuck, sorry for more derailment, I've been going light on nutes so far but good to know they could possibly handle more and noticed about light as my light is pretty close with no real issues(bit of a dry leaf on one plant so moved light an inch or two higher and moved plant away from heat source)
  2. Poobzilla

    Ready? Tricome pics

    @Whitewidowuk Can I assume that the strain is white widow based on your name? Off topic I know but looked at some but not all of your previous threads but nothing indicating strain. I am growing 3 WW just now. Just trying to look out as much grows as I can containing WW.
  3. Poobzilla

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Thanks for reply. I am 3 weeks in from seed germination and did not really have a time frame. Would like it to be a relatively quick veg so I can get to harvest in June/July. Breeder say 9 weeks flower but know this is usually longer so would prob be like a 10-12 week flower. This is my first...
  4. Poobzilla

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Thanks for the reply and the pics mate, I am hoping not to have to veg that long, I know I can't force a schedule and it will prob take around 11 weeks(giving 2 extra weeks on top of breeder time) from flip to harvest, as wanting to give my sister some for post pregnancy issues she had with...
  5. Poobzilla

    Help, seedling are dying for the second time!

    I started my germed seeds in coco and a little perlite. The only issue I had was that one of the tops when sprouting fell off because I think it may have snagged on some perlite. Kept it moist but not wet under a seed propagator, did not have to buffer as was pre buffered canna coco, I did not...
  6. Poobzilla

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I have looked at some of the vert grows and they certainly peaked my interest. My new light I have coming will work better for horizontal as it's a bar led fixture that should give great coverage over the tent. With the vert grows it looks like they have lights that illuminate all the way...
  7. Poobzilla

    Leaf Texture

    Wouldn't say love, was forced in my teens to help my mum and grandparents, but they were knowledgeable and things just stuck. So much stuff has flooded back in since starting my grow but I am enjoying it more than I used to. Even took cuttings of a glorious pine just behind my garden to see...
  8. Poobzilla

    Leaf Texture

    Just a thought, I am using a different medium than you(coco/perlit) but had a similar issue very recently. Had led light about 14 inches away from plants and doing wonderful, no issue until one was feeling a little dry and thin on the leaves. I moved it the furthest from my tube heater and...
  9. Poobzilla

    Leaf Texture

    I had not seen your earlier reply or I would have just deferred to you on this lol. Perlite is good for drainage but my friend had issues with peat based soil holding too much water. Is it the same soil coming as your using now?
  10. Poobzilla

    Leaf Texture

    No expert on this by any means, first grow going but have some gardening experience, I would be looking into potting up to a larger container for the amount of growth you have. What's your ratio of peat moss/vermiculite in the remaining 70% of your soils as peat and vermiculite tend to hold water?
  11. Poobzilla

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Hey guys, looking for a little insight. Read a few Scrogging tutorails and all seems like they have great information in them but unfortunately never seen anything on what size an area to use for how many plants. When going through threads I have seen people say 1 plant for scrog in anything...
  12. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    3 weeks deep into this adventure now. I'm not sure if I am in veg yet but they are starting to ramp up growth. I decided to increase nutrient levels but not to full veg levels. Inflow PH was 6 today and PPM was 420 :bigjoint: Runoff levels were between 6.7 and 6.8 PH for all plants and since...
  13. Poobzilla

    Malpropisms: What Have You Heard ..or Said?

    I know someone in their 30's that still says spiscetti instead of spaghetti.
  14. Poobzilla

    Building my 4X8 Auto-grow tent/room

    If it works like the temp controller it will be one socket for humidifying and one for dehumidifying. Never set up a spreadsheet but I have a physical diary I am keeping to keep track of my nutes and any changes I make along the way.
  15. Poobzilla

    Building my 4X8 Auto-grow tent/room

    Agreed. I use their temp controller but did not know they done a humidity controller. The shopping list continues to expand for next grow lol
  16. Poobzilla

    Led height from seedlings

    That could be a bit close. I have my phlizon "600W"(115W actual) about that close without much issue but yours will probably be substantially more powerful based on phlizons own higher power models. Had it around 12 inches I think then moved it up a few as one plants leaves were feeling a bit...
  17. Poobzilla

    Nutrient levels

    Ive kept the link in my bookmarks just incase it comes back up lol. Should be valuable information and interesting reading if it does come back
  18. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    Beginning to realise this. Got a lot of them first time jitters. The leaves were getting a bit dry on it so i moved the light up a touch and moved it furthest from the tube heater. Leaves already have thickened up a bit more since doing. I do have cal/mag coming but I realise I may not have...
  19. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    Not really an update, all my levels have stayed roughly in the same area as last post. When I was naming my plants I only knew that the gimp was the gimp. I has lost track of the other two when I was re-potting. but today when I had them lined up for water, which was the first time i had them...
  20. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    God damn, I need to learn patience. Why I hated gardening when I was a kid. No immediate pay off so to speak.