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  1. Snowman

    Stench issues! Any Ideas?

    Alright Ill look into all those things... the plants arnt smelling up the whole house but Im on the first floor so people use my bathroom a lot which has a door to the hallway, but also a door to my room. The smell has been seeping into my bathroom and people are like WTF >_>... lol thanks for...
  2. Snowman

    45 days in flowering please help!

    As far as your first problem goes, I would keep giving nutes until you start seeing the first hairs changing color. A couple days to a week after that point plain water should be fine then flush 1-1 1/2 weeks before harvest. As far as the second question. Automatic AK47 is an autoflowering...
  3. Snowman

    Stench issues! Any Ideas?

    Someone else suggested ONA block... ever used or heard of it, or if it works? Im doing a small 4 plant grow in my closet... I fear a carbon filter would be too big...
  4. Snowman

    Stench issues! Any Ideas?

    Valid point lol thanks bra
  5. Snowman

    ? on fans

    How many plants are you trying to grow? and what kinda space do you have?
  6. Snowman

    Stench issues! Any Ideas?

    well I've gotten some good feedback on other posts but I'll leave this one open as I'm always privy to new info :)
  7. Snowman

    Newbie's and we need some helppps

    You may just want to leave the light on 24/0 until the plants grow a bit and can handle the cooler temp with the light off. Seedlings are very sensitive in that manner.
  8. Snowman

    Newbie's and we need some helppps

    Just get a moisture meter (ten bucks at walmart), it will tell you when the best times to water are for your personal needs. Every plant is different... Also what KIND of indoor light are you using?
  9. Snowman


    Welcome bra
  10. Snowman

    Florida Growers Thread

    That stuff sounds like it really works and its not too exspensive! thanks!
  11. Snowman

    poll: how many times per day do you check your plants?

    You know I've heard of studies where people played music for their plants (nice music, not like heavy Metal) and it actually improved the over all growth and health of their plants :smile:... neat stuff, I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes that much pride in watching these magnificant plants...
  12. Snowman

    I'm here to Help, or at least Try.

    You guys are absolutly right. Ultimately we all have one goal...:blsmoke::peace: Thanks for the help :)
  13. Snowman

    poll: how many times per day do you check your plants?

    I'd say like 3-5 times a day. I love to just open my little closet grow space and sit with my girls. First thing I do when returning home from work. It's like haveing a child, if you pay them little attention, they won't grow up healthy. First grows are always personal so I've heard. :)
  14. Snowman

    I'm here to Help, or at least Try.

    Thanks, your a life saver bra! :mrgreen:
  15. Snowman

    Florida Growers Thread

    I know the risk. What I don't know is how to mask the smell. I realize that its not a good idea to grow when you have roomies. So if anyone has any ideas besides "letting me know its not a good idea" that would be wonderful. ps im not trying to be a douche bag its just that I've posted this same...
  16. Snowman

    I'm here to Help, or at least Try.

    Hi, my question is: is there a cheap way to keep smell at a minimum? Ive been getting complaints from the begining and I have nosey roomates and its getting really bad (2 weeks into flowering...) I hate to hide the delicious aroma, but i must...Any ideas?
  17. Snowman

    New to RIU

    Welcome to you to then :-P What strain are you growing?
  18. Snowman

    URGENT!! opinions needed

    I'm goin with Colitas lol. If a cop took it they would have come back by now or you would have recieved some kinda phone call or something... i mean its been over 24 hours, if they went INTO your house to take a plant they're gonna act pretty quick with thier next move ... It was probably one of...
  19. Snowman

    Read This Please Need Some Advice

    Regarding your question on keeping a plant in veg. for five years... you could try but some strains, after a while, (after a while is a very general term) will end up flowering on there own no matter what you do... and ten meters cubed would be hard to do, but I'm sure its possible... that would...
  20. Snowman

    URGENT!! opinions needed

    Just lock up your grow room and be done with it bra... if by now no ones come knocking at your door about it, its probably not gonna happen... and its probably not a good idea to leave a plant chillin in your kitchen in the first place anyway, even if your rommates know and are cool with the...