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  1. threatlevelorange

    Money as Debt - movie

    Good movie. Most people watch this in Junior High. I'm surprised how many people don't actually understand our monetary system to begin with.
  2. threatlevelorange

    Willard Romney exit stage left

    WTF are you talking about?
  3. threatlevelorange

    Willard Romney exit stage left

    Is there seriously any hope for Ron Paul? I wrote him off before I voted.
  4. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul takes on FAUX media.

    I'm going to hold you to that. You know you want everything to be government run. You hate the very capitalist system that has brought you everything you deserve. You are an anti-capitalist. Paint it any way you wish. I think your guy would be Kucinich, because while he is a complete...
  5. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul in the MTV/Myspace forum

    Now, instead of offering up emotions and a fantasy political agenda, you are simply barfing. You should use your federally sponsored medical insurance and get checked out.
  6. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul takes on FAUX media. Marx suggesting secure borders? :mrgreen:
  7. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul takes on FAUX media.

    HAHAHA kyoto! HAHAHAH! 99-0 it got shut down HARD!
  8. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul in the MTV/Myspace forum

    Your right, Marx. Those welfare junkies shoplift and it inflates the price of goods for the rest of us. We need to invest in more law enforcement so they can book these enabled herds. Then people will only have to pay a fair price for their goods and services, and since it is FREE enterprise...
  9. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Cincinatti? Where does snuffy reside?
  10. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Well, see we are talking about a plant here. This kind of insinuation of violence leads to a dark path, I think. Still, he definitely need some persuading. I appreciate the comment. Still not sure what to do. He could deliver males, as was mentioned. I considered that, as well...
  11. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Yea slicing tires is WAY oo passive aggressive for me. I would rather call him a schmuck to his face and tell him how REAL business is conducted. I wouldn't hesitate to take what was promised to me, though. Sigh....well I hope this all turns out, he has really shortchanged the one guy he...
  12. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Yea, and then find out he's a DEA agent....the HARD way.
  13. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    I am legal under state law. He will have all his i's dotted an t's crossed. I think it was a fluke. I don't think the guy is a con artist. He delivered, just not as expected. I am going to wait and give some more time but in about a week I am determined to make things work out on this end...
  14. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Hehe. Well I think I may have to. Still have some ideas on recourse, though. Sounds like I'm gonna have to step things up a bit before I let it go. Normally, I would just move on, but this is too trying a time financially for this kind of thing to happen for me.
  15. threatlevelorange

    Bill Clinton at UCD

    I can't believe he is such an advocate of financial security when he thinks threats with assault rifles are alright. Seems a little backwards to me. First, you allow people to live and trade freely, then you decide whether your going to help the less fortunate. Marx's hypocrisy is evident to...
  16. threatlevelorange

    Ripped off by dispensary

    Yea sometimes it is more obvious than others when people are shady.
  17. threatlevelorange

    Bill Clinton at UCD

    I bought some swampland from Gore years ago. It came with bonus carbon credits. He convinced me that they would be worth a lot of money some day, and that I should put all my money into them because capitalism was about to collapse on it's greed. I presently have 2 million carbon credits and...
  18. threatlevelorange

    Bill Clinton at UCD

    GASP! Your telling Marx that Clinton did something wrong? That's like telling your kids Santa doesn't exist.
  19. threatlevelorange


    Hehe, ok. Well, I guess what I was saying is that you have this thing called the second amendment and it gets violated by liberals without even blinking. Yet, I am seriously such a bad driver that I really shouldn't be allowed to drive- and it's legal. Yet, someone who knows how to handle a...
  20. threatlevelorange

    Bill Clinton at UCD

    Not GW material.