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  1. threatlevelorange

    where do you find reliable news?

    I love Colbert. You know he is a comedic spinoff of the Oreily factor? that is what they both say.
  2. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    Oh by no means is economic collapse hapening in the next couple years. We are talking about the next 50 years, here.
  3. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    Interesting. You can't see yourself having a martini with Osama? Hehe jk jk Seriously, John McCain has some issues with Republicans because while he is conservative MOST of the time, he goes out and does some BLATANTLY liberal things from time to time. It's kind of mind blowing. Alot of his...
  4. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    One of your less memorable posts, Kush. You can't mess with whats ama what? You sound like a kid trying to make sense of the world. Well I guess thats what we all are doing anyways lol. At any rate I don't judge people based on their party. I suppose GW is worse than Klintinov. I don't...
  5. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    That's why your a liberal. You are supposed to support your communist leader no matter what. you keep acting like I give a rats ass about the sex. You completely miss the point, kinda like North Koreans.
  6. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    Sure. It plays a role. I think it just boils down to balancing the budget. If you take out more withdrawals than deposits, you get slapped with fees from the bank. When a government does it, they induce inflation and the only people who suffer are the citizens, not the people responsible for...
  7. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    No government ever voluntarily decreases itself in size. Without the Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul and Alan Keyes types, we'd be bowing down to statue of GW Bush every morning, noon and evening while surrendering ourselves to the state. People like Clinton try to speed up the process. People...
  8. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    try trillion....yea with a T. Anyways your still off topic.
  9. threatlevelorange

    Dying clones-HELP!

    Yea I am getting a replacement. There was a grave misunderstanding. I hate potheads! Seriously....I know that miht be a little sac religious on a forum like this, but I really really don't like potheads. I couldn't even begin to list all the reasons.
  10. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul vs. Hillary Clinton

    I guess we know who voted for Hill's Pills on this site. This is the same person that told me there would be overwhelming support for her in another thread. I said "ok lets put up a poll." So far not many are voting, but that one vote will get washed out by more Paul votes in just a matter of...
  11. threatlevelorange

    Ron Paul vs. Hillary Clinton

    LMAO!!!! oh man what sharp shooter!
  12. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    Look bro, the title was the inevitable collapse of the dollar...not how is the economy of the US compared to Japan. How did you guys even get so far from the topic? Europeans fly over here to do their shopping, and spend less even after the plane ticket. It is more common[place all the time...
  13. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    the Looney Left knows nothing about economics. This is very real and has nothing to do with Japan or partisan.
  14. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    It had nothing to do with a blowjob. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.
  15. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    Good article. Excellent points. BTW, Marx, when you talk about neo-cons is Ron Paul included in that class?
  16. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    For sure. I may take this advise after discussing it with a professional.
  17. threatlevelorange

    The inevitable collapse of the dollar

    Whoa are you serious? I thought about that. I would put all my money in it if I had faith in it. Do you feel it is secure?
  18. threatlevelorange

    Inexspensive CO2 solutions?

    It would work to an extent. It's best to measure how much c02 is in the atmosphere to be safe. There is such thing as too much. Too little won't do much good, either.
  19. threatlevelorange

    where do you find reliable news?

    thanks. I'll check that out, Marx.
  20. threatlevelorange

    Hillary Clinton

    Democracy ain't shit without freedom. What good is the right to vote when you are enabled by this intrusive and highly controlling government? You will never vote for the guy that takes away your health care. Talk about bankrupt, Hillary said "it doesn't matter where you work how much you...