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  1. Merkin Donor

    Help please with insulation

    OSB is also a moisture magnet plus who knows what kind of off gassing is going on with it, really not something I'd personally want connected to my grow room that's under negative pressure.
  2. Merkin Donor

    How Green Can I Grow in my copycat garden?

    I got my mini-split installed on Saturday, outdoor temps got up to 99F on Friday but luckily it only hit 87F in the room. I built a trellis to tie her down with, I wound up adding a second layer not too long after this one. In the process of trying to spread her out I broke the stalk on the...
  3. Merkin Donor

    Help please with insulation

    Normally in building science it's agreed that the placement of the vapor barrier within the wall assembly doesn't matter in regards to which side of the insulation it's placed. But given that we prefer negative pressure inside our growing space and all the issues covered in the article I linked...
  4. Merkin Donor

    Help please with insulation

    Something worth reading although this will put most straight to sleep unless read right after six cups of coffee.
  5. Merkin Donor

    Thinking about a mini split

    As for total lineset length without having to add additional refrigerant check the manufacturers installation manual because they are all different (15' to 50'+ depending on manufacturer). You will not see a loss of efficiency by going over 25' - building envelope and installation issues will...
  6. Merkin Donor

    Help please with insulation

    Spray foam has the best R value and also air seals when its applied. Polyiso closed-cell, rigid foam board panels cut to size and foamed into place would be a close second but more effort to install. Fiberglass is the least expensive but the worst performer and believe it or not, it's very...
  7. Merkin Donor

    installing mini split

    AC= alternating current here in North America ordinary household current alternates(reverses direction) at a frequency of 60 times per second. DC= Direct current - the flow of electric charge is only in one direction
  8. Merkin Donor

    installing mini split

    Just walking into your local supply house will find you someone. I get leads from my counter guy who I slip some cash to, I pick up the equipment and sell it at my cost to the person who needs it. I charge a fair price to hook it up and everyone walks away happy.
  9. Merkin Donor

    installing mini split

    Yep, got me there "Buddy", reading comprehension isn't really your strong suit is it.
  10. Merkin Donor

    installing mini split

    Your post makes no sense. The OP asked for advice and he got it, some good some bad. As an HVAC contractor myself I find it hard to believe you would recommend someone do a half-assed install. But then again half assed HVAC work done by "licensed HVAC contractors" keeps me busy so who am I to...
  11. Merkin Donor

    installing mini split

    Patrick and Carolina are correct. HVAC is really not the place to DIY it, too many things to go wrong. The "poor man's purge" is just guaranteed to cost you a crap load of money in the long run.
  12. Merkin Donor

    Cloning question

    I use this guide but I put the clones in coco cubes. Around day seven I just pull up the clone/cube and see if there are roots, in not back in they go. It's worked perfectly for me
  13. Merkin Donor

    Major AC Problems Man

    Grab some of this for your lineset flares. Also don't over tighten the fittings if your buddy doesn't have a torque wrench for you to use. Not your normal torque wrench either, looks like this...
  14. Merkin Donor

    Major AC Problems Man

    Room 1 needs a return if you are using the split system designed for the house. Closing dampers to divert doesn't help and if you. are one of the lucky few to have had the system actually air balanced you've unfortunately just screwed it up. HVAC isn't about blowing cold air, it's about removing...
  15. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    We do lots of hydronic furnaces here in SoCal, basically use the standing heat in your tanked hot water system to heat the home. The nice thing is that we can tailor the delivered heating BTU's by just adjusting a ball valve (just like the heater in your car). Water isn't a big deal as long as...
  16. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    There are lots of tricks to boosting efficiency in HVAC. An easy one is to upsize the evaporator coil (FAU), for example if I'm installing a two ton (24,000 BTU) condenser I'll pair it up with a 3 ton FAU. This will give me a 30% increase in BTU's while keeping the watt draw at the 2 ton level...
  17. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    The sensor was right at the top of the canopy. I probably should have used a new bulb.
  18. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    Other than class time in NCI commercial air & hydronic balancing I've never played with chillers. But post what you have because I'm sure NCI will have a procedure to perform an audit. A lot of the stuff you would need to do isn't hard, it's just that the equipment needed is kind of expensive...
  19. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    So this thread prompted me to do a little experiment with lights and the results were interesting. Not being a scientist and probably only average smart for a city boy I can’t claim that my results will hold up under scrutiny. But I do strongly feel that the issue warrants more study and it will...
  20. Merkin Donor

    HVAC pairing with LEDs (BTU calculation)

    So a question for the lighting pro's then. If I have two 4x4x8 rooms, both are closed with no ventilation - one has a HPS assembly that draws 600 watts at the wall and the other a 12 cob Super Panel w/cxb3070's drawing 600 watts at the wall- when turned on they should both raise the ambient temp...