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  1. furious248

    Mephisto Tyrone "Special" grow

    she should make it.. in my newb days i would of been proud of that :) it might take a few days for her to bounce back but buds dont seem to be damaged, im going to pull up a seat and watch the recovery, with thoes rusty leaves tuck them away rather than cutting to avoid stress, but im sure you...
  2. furious248

    Lollipop on Autoflowers?

    holy ghost is right, where autos have such a short life span they dont have enough time to recover, if vertical growth hasnt stopped i would lst now, i try to never put my autos under any heavy stress, even when i have leaves blocking bud sites rather than chop them i just tuck them away from...
  3. furious248

    perfect pot size for Auto in computer case (no pun intended)

    autos roots like to grow deep, so use the tallest pot you possibly can, and lst, but with 22 inches it is going to be a tight squeeze and you might even find shit hits the fan because no matter how much you lst colas are going to grow as they wish, that being said it has been done, and a few...
  4. furious248

    My auto flower still have not finshed

    like po boy said how are the trics looking? keep a aye on them and they will let you know when she is good and ready, i like a head high so i chop when its about 10 amber to 90 cloudy/milky
  5. furious248

    Question about growth

    very wise thinking... well i have to admit i am not sure about this one, maybe she is just going to stay short, maybe after you start to lst, tie down a couple of thoes new tops just to get maximum yeild from your mj, i will keep a watch over the post, but as for now i have nothing else useful...
  6. furious248

    Question about growth

    i is this the first time you have super cropped? also just remember growth will be stunted for few days now because of cropping,
  7. furious248

    Bottom leaves going yellow please help

    need some info, please send a list and we will work from there. age. nutes. temps. watering times/ammounts. strain. and most importantly, from your research what do you think it could be?
  8. furious248


    what is that?
  9. furious248

    Question about growth

    i havnt seen any photos that have stayed that small at 5 weeks, but i have had a few autos that have been that small, but even then that was due to stunted growth, what are your temps? nutes?, also if you move your light away maybe you will get a bit of a stretch to start your lst, very...
  10. furious248

    First grow, coco coir, help PLEASE!

    none taken, go for it, every grower has their own way of doing things and prefer to use different things, to be honest i take my hat off to you, jumping in at the deep end takes alot, just if this grow doesnt go well keep going and one day you will be a coco expert :) and dont do what i did my...
  11. furious248

    First grow, coco coir, help PLEASE!

    as its your first grow, maybe ditch coco and go for soil??? its do-able, but starting with coco where you have to slowly introduce nutes, it holds not much water, and its a bloody long earning curve, you have your ladys poped up in coco, as a first time grower i would think you will run into a...
  12. furious248

    Newbie grower

    sounds like you get lucky, only downside to hps is im always fighting the heat.... need to get a air cooled and fast lol
  13. furious248

    Newbie grower

    no worries mate :)
  14. furious248

    just saying hi ;) Pic's up! Thoughts? Comments?

    a bit hard to see, but managed, you are going to have to move your tubes soon as they seem to be getting close, i used to use cfls/t5's for all my grows, and without picking i saw a minor error that i made for a very long time, all of your light is at the top of your plant. and where you are not...
  15. furious248

    Is it time to harvest?!

    how you going to dry? branch for branch or whole bush?
  16. furious248

    Newbie grower

    MOP UP THAT RUN-OFF!!!! when the water evaporates it will raise humidity, which will invite fungus and mites into your grow, and later on during flowering could cause bud-rot, also how are you adjusting your temps?
  17. furious248

    its been a long time, much has changed, but im back :)

    its been a long time, much has changed, but im back :)
  18. furious248


    thanks for the replys, no i dont have a crock pot, and the recipe said not to have the pot with the butter in have contact with the heat source it is called the double boil method. would thc be activated under boiling temp? and if my thc was not activated could i just re-heat my butter and it...
  19. furious248


    hey all. i had a grow which had to be chopped 2 weeks early, i managed to get about 2 oz of sugar leaf/fan leaf/ & stems mixed together. i got a pan of water to the boil, put a smaller pan in the water, melted the butter and added all my trim, i turned the heat down so there was hardly any...
  20. furious248

    Fat ass nugg

    My 12 inch super blunt would love me for a bud like that.......... Well done and enjoy christmas ;-)