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  1. furious248

    What am i doing wrong

    Sometimes you get a little water on the leafs and if temps are quite high they can turn into little spots that look like rust, just be careful when watering. And keep an eye on new growth. If it vontinues re-post with some close up pics Furious.
  2. furious248

    spiritual satanism

    Sorry I am banging on, but it may help you in the long run. Spiritual satanism doesn't try to push its self on you. And it shows you the truth. All I ask is that you hear us out. Then make up your own mind. A lot of info can be found at: once you read you will...
  3. furious248

    spiritual satanism

    Thanks for the replays. You can't take a video because they are not a physical mass that can just be seen. I made that mistake. And now I know it is not that easy. You gave to be spiritually open, and when you are and depending on how shall we say tuned in you are depends on how you may see...
  4. furious248

    spiritual satanism

    Thanks for the video. Already done that. I know what I did wrong and am getting help from high priestess Maxine.
  5. furious248

    spiritual satanism

    Well......... It was worth a go asking, shame I didn't get a serious answer. You mock, but in the end I will be the one laughing. I would rather stand in hell than lay in he kingdom of judah
  6. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Fair play
  7. furious248

    spiritual satanism

    Hi all, After a dedication ritual, how would one ask satan for a demon? There is rituals for summoning individual demons, but how could i ask satan to send me one which he feels may be able to work with me best? Or must i summon them individually and ask for their guidence, thanks for reading.
  8. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Getting a feeling it wasnt such a bright idear. Lol (lightbulb off)
  9. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Looooooooool.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That made my day;-)
  10. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Out would there be any direct damage to the growth of the buds? I know growth might be slowed, but would it stop any growth?
  11. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Thanks for the replys. And yes i would pick off the male parts if any. It was just a thought, because although time consuming to pick every pistil off, i thought if there was no pistils then if i were to have a hermie and not notice then there would be no chance of self pollination, and even if...
  12. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    I know pistils dont turn to male plants, i am saying if i removed the pistils then the buds couldnt get seeded because when the plant produces male parts (not pistils) they release pollen. Now what i am saying is if you pick off the pistils then even if your plant does turn hermie then it wont...
  13. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Genuine question, so ignore the part about a hermie, but if all the pistils got ripped out, could the buds still grow as normal, if it is not a possibility you just had to say impossible. I had a idear, never said is a good one, or one that will work. But still, thanks for the reply
  14. furious248

    stop a plant from turning hermie

    Hi all I have a sweet tooth plant atm, i caused her alot of stress from a snap and i was worried about her turning hermie, and i had a thought (probibly completely stupid, but hay-ho) So anyway i thought the pistils grab the pollen from air which the male parts produced, but if i pulled every...
  15. furious248

    big changes in light?

    I have some sweet tooth auto on the go at the moment, but my tent is next to my bed litterally nowhere else to put it. The fan drives me crazy at night when i am trying to sleep. So i switch from 400w hps to a single 30w cfl thats 1400 lumen, but my question is: can that little 30w cfl convince...
  16. furious248

    major lumen change?

    Hi riu, I have some sweet tooth auto on the go at the moment, but my tent is next to my bed litterally nowhere else to put it. The fan drives me crazy at night when i am trying to sleep. So i switch from 400w hps to a single 30w cfl thats 1400 lumen, but my question is: can that little 30w cfl...
  17. furious248

    hps for veg???

    Thanks for all the replys, i got a pack of big bang auto on the way so im going to run them, then get some photo northern lights and hopefully all will go well. Thanks again, furious
  18. furious248


    thanks for all the help. Im going to grow a batch of big bang auto, do a whole load of research, then after harvest get some northern lights as my first photoperiod. Thanks again, furious
  19. furious248

    hps for veg???

    Hi all Until now all i have grown is autos, i have been doing some searching and found that you can but your plant will stretch a lot, but if i lst will i still have the same reaults as if i used blue cfls for veg? I have been so happy with my autos until now but after reading and finding out...
  20. furious248


    I have been looking at photo period plants for a while, because in the end the time frame isnt much appart, and the yeild is alot more, could i go from seed to harvest with a non-adjustable hps, so just a hps with 400w magnetic ballast, like the autos, or must it be blue light? I am starting to...