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  1. el shaggy

    Mama's a hypocrite. what should I do?

    No, beating a child will only continue a cycle of hate and violence. Spankings or a quick smack are a different story. It makes me sick to my stomach that you guys can think child abuse is A-OKAY. Beating a child is one step below raping a child in my book, its the same fucking boat in terms...
  2. el shaggy

    Dimes an dubs in northern California

    we call our 8ths, Dubs(3.5g), half that is a Dime(1.7grams). out of a 28g~oz. If I have a quarter or less I am not letting any go outta my sight, people will kick me 5 bucks to smoke em out, even though I will do it with out the payment, its like a gratuity. I only sell circumstantially.
  3. el shaggy

    Mama's a hypocrite. what should I do?

    Make her listen to the Pot by Tool. only kidding, though it is about hypocrosy. snooping 'rents is the worst. You need to try and calmly and intelligently explain how you feel she is being both hypercritical(you aren't pushing, you aren't handling large felonious amounts) and hypocritical(she...
  4. el shaggy


    I had a repuatation once, I worked at a steakhouse and had shaggy hair. I was getting little scruffs of chin hair back then. My manager dubbed me Shaggy, it has kinda stuck. My rep there was being a chill stoner that was well liked. I am less liked at my current job(what a relief), have short...
  5. el shaggy

    how do i tell my fam i smoke weed?

    different strokes for different folks. Marijuana has always been a family affair, my sisters old boyfriend first introduced me and 4 out of 5 siblings used to smoke together on a daily basis when we all lived near each other. I make jokes about the fifth and youngest being uncorruptable to the...
  6. el shaggy

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    $300-$350 for commercial nuggets(good orange hair count, good tricome coverage). most likely from canada. And lately people have been thinking its worth $60 an eight. The stupid part is the crispy shit, from mexico I am guessing, isnt much cheaper. Its still decent and gets to baked but its...
  7. el shaggy

    how do i tell my fam i smoke weed?

    Mom and I joke about it quite a bit. I was talking to her about the pros and cons of growing when we were dropping the little bro off at college. She called me addicted, and I said Fuck yes, til I die. I also don't live at home, its kinda nice cause my father and stepmother would like to drop...
  8. el shaggy

    how do i tell my fam i smoke weed?

    My parents would bust me when I was in high school, so they have known since the beginning. I remember the first time, It was 4/20 and I came home and my mom immediately asked if I was high. I have a tough time lying to her so I just said yes. Kinda devastating at 16. I've had plenty of...
  9. el shaggy

    when to smoke

    Wake and Bake is great. I think there is something really good and unexplainable about a 4:20pm smoke. Right after work is the best, cause your mind is so wound up. Yea after work is bestest.
  10. el shaggy

    The Postal Service

    Natural Anthem. I gotta feeling this was a one off project, though. My take on This Place is a Prison is that the prison is your body in this realm. Such Great Heights kick started my obsession with searching for great new music. Music different from the likes of what I am used to. If I...
  11. el shaggy

    Yes now i DO really hate Kid Rock!!!!!

    They play him on country stations now. that is all.
  12. el shaggy

    favorite sluge metal bands

    the only sludge metal band worth listening to THE MELVINS. I don't find Kyuss very metal, but they are very stoner rock.
  13. el shaggy

    Who likes Ska?

    I don't listen to any, but ska influence mixes into surf guitar well. And surf guitar is the shit. Try Surfin' Buena Park by the Ziggens.
  14. el shaggy

    WTF happened to the Warped tour?

    whats this punk rock you speak of? IMO its been dead a while, I just call it all pop-rock now.
  15. el shaggy

    What's Your Fav Music Genre

    anything instumental. I am kinda picky about vocalists. So the best are like: Classical Jazz Post Rock
  16. el shaggy

    Wheel-Thrown Pottery

    Tonight I decided to dive into the social side of RUI, been learning tons on the grow side. I thought i would share my main muse, CERAMICS. I've got 2-3 years of active experience throwing on a wheel. Most were made in high school or at the local theatre where they have art studios in the...
  17. el shaggy

    Is it ok to be a pretend christian?

    I feel most people lie to themselves about their beliefs, I think its because its indoctrinated into our minds at a young age. I can't really remember if I ever truly believed. But I lied to myself until I started thinking for myself. And its also my opinion that atheism isn't very healthy...
  18. el shaggy


    Just remember Islam is not just an Arab faith. I have a book called "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris that deals with the issues of the three major western belief systems.(Judaism, Islam, Christianity), which are all the same when you look at them objectively. They all lack rational thinking...
  19. el shaggy


    I got my V-card. 21 years old, can't say I am ashamed of it. Haven't been intimate with a lady since 10th grade, she wouldn't let me go down on her, she wouldn't take her top off, but she gave great head and we cuddled, spooned, and dry humped basically all night. I also got a blow job the day...
  20. el shaggy

    It changed the way i see things.....

    Think for yourself and always question authority. Don't believe all of what the gov't feeds us and remain skeptical of media intentions. But also don't nose dive into conspiracy theories. Always think for yourself and choose the simplest most credible solution. My two cents on 9/11 is, we...