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  1. el shaggy

    has weed gone dry in your area ???

    its dryer in these parts, not the worst I've seen. And my new connoisseur-level smoke guy is just unreliable. Thinking about making some calls today.
  2. el shaggy

    it worked!

    American isn't even a non-member state in CERN. I am going to be in Europe around the time of the first collisions in October. I should just drop the bucks and go knock on their door since I am in the neighborhood.
  3. el shaggy


    Getting an eight of my co-workers "Thunder down-under" any minute now. Been waiting all damn week for some good buds. Smoked a dub of some nugget that wasn't getting me high on Monday. That's the worst, over priced weed that has a real shitty high.
  4. el shaggy

    Session Etiquette

    Well its more like I don't like to smoke alone, so I get others involved. But it seems like I offer 3 to their 1 packs. This is the roomie and the "guy on the couch". I dunno but these mother fuckers have been getting stingey lately. The only bowl I have been offered in the last two weeks...
  5. el shaggy

    AMSTERDAM -- Anyone ever been to the Motherland??

    I am visiting england in like 3 weeks... It depends on how much it costs to get to the Netherlands, but I am going to look into going to A-dam. Everyone says I am stupid if I don't check it out. I just don't know if I am with the right crowd. Only one other ganja smoker will be in my group...
  6. el shaggy

    Session Etiquette

    I seriously will never be able to eat baked beans ever again. I ain't moving out over this shit, we had a visitor that put our petty shit into perspective. Her mom attempted suicide last night and I had to console her a while til my step-bro(her boyfriend) got to my place. So we buried the...
  7. el shaggy

    Smoke Intimidation factor

    I try to break people in with a hand pipe or bubbler.
  8. el shaggy

    Favorite Movies While Smoking/High

    We would watch Fear and Loathing every night after partying when I was in high school. Like twice a weekend for a good 3-6 months.
  9. el shaggy

    Mold? Just dug up my killa it smells like shet!

    is the mold always green? I've seen some in unfamiliar white shit on a bud, it didn't taste so great either, I tossed that sack and didn't go through that connect again.
  10. el shaggy

    Do you see yourself like a moonshiner?

    Thats exactly what I think home growers are, modern day moonshiners. I recently read a book about the rich history of moonshining in my local area. They were just as crafty as stealth growers nowadays. Both have the same principle, giving people what they want, even when the gov't doesn't...
  11. el shaggy

    True Happiness

    1)Spiritual Learning and Enlightenment. 2)Because it is ultimately rewarding for the spirit and soul. It gives my soul hope, my spirit is constantly reaching for it. 3) Our egos(the I/me one calls themself) ties us to the ideas and things of this world, through the processes Calcination and...
  12. el shaggy

    Jesus christ I can believe this..

    Some Valerian Root and Magnesium and you will be golden, this is what I used when I told the docs to fuck off with their pills. SSRI Withdrawl Syndrome is shitty, some of the most depressed days of my life were the weeks after I quit "trying new pills". I even went to an anti-depressant...
  13. el shaggy

    do little glass marbles=good diffuser?

    in theory right? From what I have heard the best thing a diffuser does is change the sound of the bong. As long as you aren't skimping on water there won't be that much of a difference in filtration.
  14. el shaggy

    Session Etiquette

    I think I am just going to move out. He doesn't rinse his dishes either.
  15. el shaggy

    Session Etiquette

    I might be a little impatient, I mean who cares if he is letting the bowl cash it self out. Lat night I asked him what he was doing, he was just fingering the mouth piece of the bowl. "oh just feeling the glass" so I said, "I don't think that's what its made for" parking a bowl is when you...
  16. el shaggy

    Session Etiquette

    The cigs during your session got me thinking about etiquette as a whole. Mainly because my brother will park a bowl and just let it smolder out, ITS A WASTE OF FUCKING SMOKE! I stare him down when he does this but he's too into the fucking TV or whatever he just holds the pipe like hes about...
  17. el shaggy

    Grocery Shopping while lit up

    I stock the grocery store while stoned.
  18. el shaggy

    Bad Trip Cures

    If something raises any concern in me I like to concentrate and isolate it. Then I can control it. This works well with a racing heart or that amazing sensation when you realize your eating something real crunchy way to fast(feels like your teeth are coming out, rotating and resocketing).
  19. el shaggy

    Am I the only person who smokes and listens to classical music?

    This myspace music player has been killing me lately. Its taking forever to load up. And Classical is the elite musical genre, doesn't get much better than great classical music.
  20. el shaggy

    Your Stoner Lingo

    just Smoke, especially in public. Have a smoke, get some smoke.