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  1. joeswanson

    first indoor

    The general consensus as to when to add nutes to ffof is anywhere from 3 weeks to 4-5 weeks from sprout depending on your plant. If I was you I would wait till I saw the first signs of a deficiency and obviously only then add at 1/4 recommended dosage to start(work your way up each week). If...
  2. joeswanson

    Stems keep getting weaker and more flimsy

    "only dropped to 9-10 degrees Celsius" there's your problem right there bro. Got to keep her much warmer than that.. Honestly you are so early into the process you might as well start over. I don't think they can be saved at this point. Good luck
  3. joeswanson

    My first experience with mushies

    This is what you want. Do exactly as Pauly420 recommends but if you want something nice to drink I would recommend adding honey, ginger, and maybe a real tea bag or two. If you do it right, you will have really masked the taste and can actually enjoy the tea (i personally ice mine down). I...
  4. joeswanson

    1st grow, ok progres?

    Wait that's into its 3rd week of flowering? Just don't really see any pistols or bud sights forming is all. How many watts in CFl do you have in there? They look plenty green and healthy but if they truly are on their 3rd weed then they have already stretched and really won't grow any taller. I...
  5. joeswanson

    900w LED. The Ultimate vs C99

    Let the defoliation wars begin!
  6. joeswanson

    1st grow Wild Thailand Ryder (LST)

    Yeah I've heard about people using light for 24 hrs but I've personally haven't. They won't begin to flower till you switch it to 12/12 and even then you'll have to wait a week before you start seeing see ( in my very limited experience). So I'm personally doing half ffof and ffhf soil with...
  7. joeswanson

    1st grow Wild Thailand Ryder (LST)

    It looks pretty good man. What size pot is she in? And are you planning on transplanting her before you flower? Are you getting any runoff when you water/feed her? I know you said you have an airy mix of soul but I really don't see any perlite in there which would really help your roots breathe...
  8. joeswanson

    Too early to top?

    Yeah I like to top them when i see the 4th node. Hard to tell from the pictures but you are more than ready to top. Also it looks like she is ready for a transplant man. Good luck.
  9. joeswanson

    Is this just a simple nute lockout or more?

    Hey thanks Alienwidow for your reply. I agree with you that it definitely looks like calmag on the leafs. Also forgot to mention that I did feed her a little more a day or two ago just worried about overdoing it. But considering the problem hasn't stopped on lower leafs makes me think its...
  10. joeswanson

    Is this just a simple nute lockout or more?

    Hello everyone and let me start off by saying thanks a lot for taking the time to look over my plants and thanks even more if you are able to offer and advice! First a little about my problem plant. This is a strawberry blue feminized that will be at 4 weeks come this weekend. She stared...