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  1. answers2none


    Four words: peanut butter filled pretzels. :)
  2. answers2none

    007, number 1.

    Sean Connery.
  3. answers2none

    WTF Medical Marijuana

    I agree with you 100%. :peace:
  4. answers2none

    you think this is true

    I think you can have a 'study' to prove or disprove anything you like. The article essentially makes this statement: 'heavy' cannabis users are more likely to become depressed / suffer from anxiety or schizophrenia from those that do not use cannabis at all. I particularly like this statement...
  5. answers2none

    WTF Medical Marijuana

    The issue I take with your way of thinking is, you don't have the perspective of a cancer or HIV/AIDS patient, you have the perspective of someone that likes to get stoned for the sake of it. Now, I don't disagree with your motive or your freedom to do so, but I can't see where you assume that...
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    WTF Medical Marijuana

    Your statements conflict; you want it legalized but at the same time don't care what society thinks / wants... so what do you care if it's legal?
  7. answers2none

    WTF Medical Marijuana

    Your poll isn't clear to me, so I'm not voting. I will say that there are definitely people that benefit from the use of Marijuana, such as HIV patients, cancer patients, those with glaucoma, etc. My wife has a friend with HIV that tokes to induce hunger and to generally take the edge off. I see...
  8. answers2none

    Which States Medical Marijuana

    I used to think that too. There are exceptions to the rule, but the general level of scum in Washington and local government never seems to subside, does it? Anyway, check this out Cannabis Culture's USA 2006 Stoner Voters Guide for a decent overview of reasons to vote in the upcoming election...
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    Gun Control

    I second that sentiment, I'm always looking for land out of state.
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    Gun Control

    The problem with that logic is the existance of home invasions, roving gangs and just general sickos. I hate to quote a bumper sticker, but 'if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns'. You can't go back to 18th century America and make it otherwise (if you were able to, we'd likely still...
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    the police

    Absolutely goddamn right. Please read the Bill of Rights and understand your rights under the Constitution. Not only that, study the state laws regarding Marijuana use / possession.
  12. answers2none

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all, new member, been lurking a few days. I grew a plant or two way back, nothing like I've seen here, you guys have got it down to a science. Anyway, I'm not a big toker necessarily, but a big advocate, anytime you guys have the opportunity to vote or make a statement please do so. For...