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  1. Guerilla Grower

    what is the weakest bulb u have used

    i began starting outdoor plants with a single 26w cfl bout 2 years ago and the thing grew a healthy 1/2 foot
  2. Guerilla Grower

    Guerilla Growing

    make sure plot is in a safe and secure place helicopters looking for big grows could see and screw you over and if you only going to visit once and a while make sure everything is ready before you start such as ways to prevent bugs and animals from muchin on your crop
  3. Guerilla Grower

    Is this enough?? I hope.

    it will be good to start but maybe not finish depending on light put out by the cfls find out how many lumens you got on the bulbs depending on that you might be able to flower small buds. another tip keep the lights low to the plant all ways not touching but close you dont want to start with...
  4. Guerilla Grower

    are these shrooms?????

    no they are not, cap is different even so the chances are very slim for being psychedelics
  5. Guerilla Grower

    plants underwater

    unless its hot as fuck now that sucker will die from that much either take desperate measures and transplant or find a way to get water out ive had a couple die from shitloads of water
  6. Guerilla Grower

    Help! Strawberry cough too big for greenhouse!!

    take string and tie it down!! dont top and it let that fucker go to waste take stalk and bend while attaching string and tie it to pot or some other shit it will grow right up again perfectly fine
  7. Guerilla Grower

    tiny plant with big buds...week 4-5

    looks alot like lowrider to me but you said you bred youself so..?
  8. Guerilla Grower

    My first outdoor grow PICS

    yea right just i little shy height wise though just a bit
  9. Guerilla Grower

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    dude the pics from the side are good but when they get bigger pics from the top with like a ladder or something would look sweet
  10. Guerilla Grower video ??

    mr. green is the shit i love it when his head pops up from the plants with that big ass grin on his face
  11. Guerilla Grower

    If a tree falls....

    calling someone retarded for having the opposite opinion of yours is kind of pointless i see what your point is though about the vibrations still occurring thats also what i think what they are trying to say is that by definition sound is only vibrations that are received/heard by...
  12. Guerilla Grower

    If a tree falls....

    i once had this argument with a friend of mine he stuck to the definition "sound is vibration transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas; particularly, sound means those vibrations composed of frequencies capable of being detected by ears" arguing that the vibrations have to be picked up by...
  13. Guerilla Grower

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    very green plants for being outside ive found not only mine but other growers with plants outside that plants aren't as darkly shaded as indoor plants also very bushy and compact not stretched a bit nice low maintenance grow. good job
  14. Guerilla Grower

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    i realy don't think thats a male it looks like a couple of hairs are forming but i definately could be wrong
  15. Guerilla Grower

    Human ashes in soil

    that movie is da shit i love it when redman passes the blunt to "the dude in the back" and methodman starts freakin out....dats da ivory shit man
  16. Guerilla Grower

    Branching this important?

    not true its more the conditions the plant is in there is no maximum amount a plant can produce, under constant light weed can grow for decades the genetics of the plant are a factor but, if a plant is bred to have bigger more potent buds that does not mean in same perfect conditions the plant...
  17. Guerilla Grower

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    tmb77 please help me you know your stuff so i figured id ask ive been looking up micropropagation and every time i try to create sterile conditions the water ends up slightly yellow and the leaves die when i open up the test tubes they kind of smell bad ive done dozens of cultures and kind of...
  18. Guerilla Grower

    Weed tea?

    so NO you cant thc is not water soluble you have to have alcohol or oils
  19. Guerilla Grower

    Gauged Ears?

    my friend has 2 1/2 in gauges
  20. Guerilla Grower

    70w hps

    should be enough if you keep um small and tie branches down