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  1. michaelo

    Pics tell me what u think

    3weeks of veg maybe a little longer not much though
  2. michaelo


    ive never sprayed not sure about that one?
  3. michaelo

    Pics tell me what u think

    better be a female!!! there is actually 4 plants in that pic to close together i think
  4. michaelo

    Pics tell me what u think

    any ideas or advice greatly appreciated
  5. michaelo

    Pics tell me what u think

    here is some pics first grow 5 days into flower no signs yet i think?
  6. michaelo

    How many grams are in a blunt, dime, 20, 1/4sxc

    im payin 165 an oz for some swag and its only 19g no matter who i use and i know im gettin robbed but i just moved here and the prices suck!!! im used to 50 for28g
  7. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    its like i have to switch pages or to anther link then come back and check my post befofre i see your post?
  8. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    real helpful my room is about 4'x4'x6.5' tall using 265 intake and 265 exhaust with a carbon scrubber that works great
  9. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    thanx alot for all your help i dont have ppm i know i should and i am goin off the bottle for amount i'll change that im not even sure how to read ppm is it pretty explanitory?
  10. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    thanks lots of help i may have my light a little high its about 2'1/2 above plants is 400 enough cause i have another 400 i can put in
  11. michaelo


    attitude seed bank is awsome lot of freebees and about 5-7 days shipping go with dutch passion
  12. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    flora bloom that is ive used the flora series this whole time and im using dwc sorry about that my temp stays right at 73.5 and humidity isabout 55-65
  13. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    im using flora grow have 400w hps on12/12
  14. michaelo

    from veg to flower

    I switched from veg to flowering into day 5 now no real signs of anything yet except it seems that growth has rapidly slowed and ph dropped from6.3-5.0 hopefully i have taken care of that. Is this normal? They are not even consuming as much nuts maybe1/2 as much any input out there?
  15. michaelo

    Whats up ?

    baffle everyone or am i just on the wrong sight? no answers or even ideas? that sucks so far im really starting to wonder about this place?
  16. michaelo

    Male/female to early to tell

    yea thats an easy one this just looks like a (1) swollen node not a bunch of balls
  17. michaelo

    Male/female to early to tell

    I dont yet little concern about posting that on here not sure about security/
  18. michaelo

    Male/female to early to tell

    please a little help
  19. michaelo

    Male/female to early to tell

    little help please
  20. michaelo

    Male/female to early to tell

    I started my flowering 3 days ago and im seeing most of the nodes swelling up looks like one big ball not typical of what ive seen an here. Im also starting to see little white fuzz on top of my growing medium not much just enough to be worried. is this mold? root rot? I posted a thread on...