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  1. michaelo

    rapid rooter plugs

    i get mixed messages on this some say total darkness some say light what?
  2. michaelo

    rapid rooter plugs

    any info as far as comparrison to rockwool?
  3. michaelo

    Rockwool sucks!!!

    i hate rock wool its spliting in half now
  4. michaelo

    Rockwool sucks!!!

    Ive always wanted to try hydro but this rockwool is just frickin drivin me crazy please help
  5. michaelo


    thanks i wonderd about the direct light but wasnt sure only used soil before
  6. michaelo


    Ill try that now
  7. michaelo


    no i didnt do that. does that help much?
  8. michaelo


    thank you i tryed soaking them first kinda like you said.... should i start over ?
  9. michaelo


    using hydro for first time. i have seeds in rockwool cubes in a bowl with about 1 inch of water covered in plastic wrap and directly under my flouresantlight as kit says. its been 4 days and nothing. never had problems germing in soil
  10. michaelo


    Im trying hydro first time having problems getting seeds to pop up.I have them in rockwool in a bowl with about one inch of water in bottom and under light(floural) whi ch is what the kit said 24 hours light on for warmth its been about 4days and nothing!:confused: