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  1. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    thanks for the explaination! like those plants, nice and bushy, are they indicas?? ive done 2 indica & 2 sativa which was a begineers error as the sativas are much taller and getting more light as a result. Ive got my indicas raised up over a foot and they still are not quite as tall. have you...
  2. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    Update! I have removed the CFL as its confusing my lower leaves. they are twsiting and facing down towards the nearer CFL and the extra light has made little or no difference to the lower buds.
  3. budire

    Are my babies scorched??

    I'm 5 weeks into bloom and all seems to be going well with my second grow. (thanks for anyone whos helped so far!). anyway, my canopy is about 8-9 inches from my 400W HID. some of the canopy fan leaves are starting to go yellow (see attached pics). its only effecting a few leaves but is my light...
  4. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    here here! lol, please explain why it would effect taste, i NEED to know. think i;ll justs leave it there and follow your advice to harvest in sections as you have suggested. if i do this should i resume with some water to keep them alive to further mature?? by the way, some of my lower leaves...
  5. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    thanks for that billyblunt, now I understand (duh). i'll definately leave the CFL in place!
  6. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    thanks greenweed! think i might just leave it there! next time i think i'll get a 600W HID. i started this gro in a .8x.8x1.6m tent but the sativas got too big so I had to change up. think 400w is too small for 1x1x2m space. billyblunt, why would my weed taste like shit if I leave that 250CFL...
  7. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    Thanks guys, need all the help I can get! greenweed, thanks for the piece of mind, ideally I think I need to upgrade my 400W HID to a 600W version. I started this grow in a smaller tent (.8x.8x1.6M) but my silver haze just go too big. billyblunt, not sure how adding that light will make my weed...
  8. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    Yeah, i'll give it a shot! can't hurt. thanks again. anyone else had any experience with adding more light from below?
  9. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    Thanks for that, at least I know adding my 250W CFL to the base of my plants isn't going to cause any problems! harvesting in sections is of great interest to me, never heard of it. this is only my second grow so i'm still learning. I presume you mean just cut off the mature buds and leave...
  10. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    ìts rasied about 10 inches off the floor, so the edges of the reflector is above the rim of the potsI can't get it any higher as it hits off the lower foliage. do you think this will make any difference to my yield of am I just wasting electricity??!
  11. budire

    Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).

    I have 2 Silver Haze & 2 Trainwreck growing pretty well under a 400WHPS. I am in week 4 of flowering and the plants are pretty bushy. The majority of bud sites are at the top of the canopy but there are quite a few buds developing low down in the shade of upper fan leaves. Will putting my 250W...
  12. budire

    Yellow tips, please help a novice.

    yeah, youre right about clearex, rang a few places, never heard of it. I'll order it online. i was reading the plant problems section of the grow Faq and it looks like potassium defiency. this is normally caused by lockout which in turn is caused by over ferting. thing is, ive been VERY careful...
  13. budire

    Yellow tips, please help a novice.

    Thanks rolla. I'll get into a garden center to see if i can get some clearex. Also, if PH is an issue, how the hell to you sort that? i know there is a recommended ph level but how do you adjust the levels in your water? I presume there are 2 products you can add to increase or decrease the PH...
  14. budire

    Yellow tips, please help a novice.

    Hey, Im 2 weeks into bloom on my second indoor grow. Im using my own soil mix (1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite, 1/4 Biobizz light mix and 1/4 peat moss) with Biobizz Grow, Bloom and Topmax. I have 2 Silver Haze plants and 2 Trainwreck. All 4 plants seem pretty healthy but lower fan leaves on the...
  15. budire

    Growing Indoors, Outdoors (if you catch my drift).

    well it'll be colder in a few months which is why Im asking the question now. It rarely freezes over in ireland but it can get pretty damn cold. does anyone know the minimum temperature marijuana can survive???
  16. budire

    Growing Indoors, Outdoors (if you catch my drift).

    Ive got a 1x1x1.6m budbox with a 400w HID and a 100mm extractor fan. the tent is setup in an outdoor concrete shed that can get pretty cold at this time of year. my babies are on 18 hours of light at the moment (7pm till 1pm next day) but im not sure how long to leave my extractor on. I want...
  17. budire

    Seedlings under 250W CFL.

    sounds good moodster, cheers for that.
  18. budire

    Seedlings under 250W CFL.

    thanks to you both for putting my mind at ease. its only my second grow so I'm not confident enough yet to change shit up too much. ive heard the hand test before in relation to flowering with 400w and up, but wasnt sure if seedlings were any more sensitive. now, youve said it, makes perfect...
  19. budire

    Seedlings under 250W CFL.

    Just a quick one really. For my last grow I used a 125W CFL to sprout my seedlings. They stayed under this light 24 hours a day for 2 weeeks before I transplanted them to bigger pots & 400W HPS. This time I have a 250W CFL (my 125W got smashed & my local shop only had 1 250W). Is it ok to use a...
  20. budire

    Best indoor soil mix ever!

    ok, i'm about start my second ever indoor grow and need to know the answer to "what is the best indoor soil mix ever?"! not only do i need the answer to this but I'd also like a simple formula if possible. I will be using biobizz topmax, grow and bloom like last time so the soil has to suit...