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  1. E

    Plant problem fix me!!!

    What medium and when's the last time you flushed?
  2. E

    need help save my plant...cant figure it out what happened!

    Im pretty sure he means; if things are not looking better once the pot gets dryish, then consider other possibilities, until then, do not mess around with anything else. If it is in an 8 gallon pot, and that young, you could go weeks without watering it Not that soon
  3. E

    splotchy brown spots on droopy leaves (12 day old sprouts) pics incl.

    How small is your pot if you're watering every 2 days? I was able to go over 5 days without watering coco in 4" square pots at that stage. At this point you can start adding a very weak nute mix, a little stronger mix if the cotyldons have begun losing their color.
  4. E

    What's wrong with this plant?

    Some pics look like a Mg deficiency, yellowing between veins, purple stems, while other pics look like a potassium deficiency, yellowing, upward leaf curl, spots. From my little experience, plants will be a very dark green before showing leaf tip burn from over feeding.
  5. E

    need help save my plant...cant figure it out what happened!

    Whats the PH and EC/PPM of your water? Also, at that stage all you need is a 23-40 watt CFL bulb.
  6. E

    hey guys help with slow to drink plants

    My 5 plants, 2 at ~4 weeks, 3 at ~5 weeks , they're in 2 gallon smart pots, coco, and they drink 12L every 3 days. All healthy. One of the pots is only 3/4 full. Looks normal.
  7. E

    Aurora Indica, OG kush, Violator Kush, Bubba 76 - 2nd 600w Coco

    VK was flushed friday with PH 5.8, bringing it down to .7EC Watered Saturday with 1.65EC PH5.8 12L(~3gallons) mix was just enough to water 5 of the plants with ~5-10% waste Bubba 76: 1.4EC, PH 5.7 Aurora Indicas: 1EC-1.4EC, PH 5.9-6.0 OG Kush: EC 2.2, PH 5.8 - Instead of being fed next...
  8. E

    Auto Think Different - Day 11 MG Def? N Def? Hard water?

    I've got a very similar issue, except the leaves also feel rough/crinkly/dry. I'm growing 5 other plants, all of them are very healthy but this one. It's Violator Kush(Coco grow)(others are a differant strain). The leaves are smaller then they should be at this stage. Overall Growth seems to be...
  9. E

    Need help choosing nutrients!?!

    I personally like House & Garden. You have 3 choices, Aqua A+B, Coco A+B, Soil A+B, ~$40(Ontario) for a 1L kit(2L total). Very basic feeding schedule, the ratio stays 1:1 throughout the entire grow. They have the two best additives on the market, Drip Clean, which costs ~$30 for a 250mL bottle...
  10. E

    Mutant AI's, Limp bottom leaves

    I'm not worried about the lower growth, just a curiosity thing. I just Like knowing why things happen even if in the end it doesn't matter. Would cardboard with white paper taped to it work, or what do you suggest? I don't want to buy any more coco right now and water temps are about 60-65F...
  11. E

    i really found the source now!

    DTW is just watering until you get ~10% runoff coming out the bottom. When you water coco, you saturate it until you get runoff, wait until it gets moist(~25-40% weight of a fully saturated pot), repeat. veg bloom nutes? Doesn't really mean anything if you don't mention the company and the...
  12. E

    Mutant AI's, Limp bottom leaves

    Growing Aurora Indica, and it seems all 3 are mutants in some way. 2nd pic shows 3 nodes on the second branch 4th pic shows a 3rd branch growing out where there already is two. Never seen this before out of about 15+ plants (not all of them were finished) and now all 3 of my AI's have extra...
  13. E

    i really found the source now!

    If you're going coco, I highly suggest coco specific nutes; Canna and House & Garden are pretty common. If you're not going drain to waste every watering, I suggest you do as it's very important with coco. I would flush with ~.3-.5 EC with calmg added. Then every watering, add 3-8mL per gallon...
  14. E

    Aurora Indica, OG kush, Violator Kush, Bubba 76 - 2nd 600w Coco

    Never seen this before, 4 branches at the second node, also one of the leaves has just two blades Best picture I was able to get of the VK.
  15. E

    lime green spots - AI, OG, VK, Bubb76 Coco grow

    I water them twice a week right now, and they're in straight coco. EC 1.3-1.4 5.8PH, meter was calibrated a week ago, PH was off by .2 or .3. Fed my plants yesterday, and today I decided to semi-flush the VK, first drops of runoff were 1EC and 6PH, watered enough to drop it to 5.9 and .8EC (tap...
  16. E

    wilting plants

    At that size and those pots the plants could go anywhere from 5-10 days without being watered after being fully saturated. I'm growing in coco, plants are at 3-5 weeks and I go 3-4 days without watering in 2 gallon smart pots, and I could go longer.
  17. E

    She Lost Aroma... VERY CONCERNED.

    Botanicare cal-mag is usually a popular choice, I personally use "Grotek Calmg". My hydro shop told me all CalMg products are pretty much the same, just name and price vary. I would also suggest upping the nutrients, they look very light green, it looks like your 6th set of leaves is developing...
  18. E

    lime green spots - AI, OG, VK, Bubb76 Coco grow

    Anyone know what the whitish color on the leaf is, most noticeable on the top left leaf? Or why it's slightly curling? If I had to guess I'd say it prefers a It's Violator Kush Growth has also been slowed, as this plant was ahead of the OG Kush and Bubba 76 (Both on the right) VK is bottom...
  19. E

    She Lost Aroma... VERY CONCERNED.

    Those white tips definitely look like Mg deficiency, which you may of mistaken for nute burn. If you're not using coco specific nutes, a calmg supplement is heavily suggested, especially if using RO water. If your tap water ppm is <300 I would suggest adding a bit of calmg as well.
  20. E

    Aurora Indica, OG kush, Violator Kush, Bubba 76 - 2nd 600w Coco

    All transplanted now into 2 gallon smart pots, it seems I may have over nuted a couple of them, and growth was slowed because of it. Always testing the runoff, EC only, as PH always comes out at what I need it, and it was up to 2.2EC on one, and 1.6EC on another. I would only water once a...