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  1. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Decided to experiment some more...
  2. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    And one taken with a macro lens on my Galaxy Note 2:
  3. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Here is a shot today using a 70-300 lens and a 17-70 lens turned around, held together. Getting closer to what I am after... Basically a Macro setup so I can really see what is going on. Extreme for sure, but fun :)
  4. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Eh... I've used those, and others which are better. They really aren't that great. Do they work? yeah. But I'm more interested in ways to do it better. Currently attaching a scope similar to that, or a macro lens adapter to a cell phone is the best method I've found. Has far more...
  5. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Ohh, that looks cool. Awesome post. Thanks! So far this looks to be the winner, gonna try this today.
  6. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Found this one as well (although it looks expensive): Not sure what 6-10 micron resolution means.
  7. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Lots of people use the radio shack kind. The local grow store has a lot of models to choose from. But i prefer to use methods that allow me to take pictures. Haven't used any of these cheap scopes yet that can compare to my phone + macro lens on a 28" screen. Get a little ways into the nutso...
  8. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Curious if anyone has tried this:? Or these?
  9. JethroMoony

    Best tool to check Trichomes?

    Hey guys. Just a pondering about what other people use to check trichomes. I'd love to get a full macro lens but don't have the funds right now. Used the scopes, loops, etc. Lately I've used my cell phone with macro attached lens, main drawback is that I can't set white balance. Curious if...
  10. JethroMoony

    Colorado running out of pot

    From what I understand Colorado recreational marijuana has to follow a 70/30 rule. Which means 70% of what they sell they have to produce themselves. They can only source 30% of what they sell. Also, because of all the indoor growing operations going Colorado's power system is being hit pretty...
  11. JethroMoony

    whats the best cloning solution??

    Any hormone will work. Get a heat mat and learn to use it. Keep all items as sterile as possible. Get a standard clone tray, add a couple cups of perlite to the bottom. Soak the rockwool in ph 5.5 water (about a gallon or so). Make sure cuttings are from healthy plants. Cut cuttings with...
  12. JethroMoony

    I think I have nute lock out help!!!

    No pics? Answer is almost always to flush... Want to get fancy then make a tea.
  13. JethroMoony

    Marijuana Booster®. any good?

    Don't worry so much about force feeding plants tons of nutes. Especially when you are new. Spend your time getting the environment right, temp, humidity, pests, etc. Spend your money (even if it is unlimited) on building materials, fans, dehumidifiers, c02 generators, good ballasts, good bulbs...
  14. JethroMoony

    Are there any problems with vaporizers?

    I've heard a bunch of people say the same thing around "hit or miss". Anyone know of a "how to vape" guide? Like what temps to use for a specific kind of high/taste/etc, or how to get more "hits" than misses? Reply to Vostok: Vaporizers are a massively growing product right now. I've been...
  15. JethroMoony

    Are there any problems with vaporizers?

    Awesome. Thanks for the replies. It is interesting how people seem to describe the high in a similar way. Does the strain's characteristics still come through? What about using different temperatures? I don't like the vape I have right now, partly because it's very dirty and I just don't know...
  16. JethroMoony

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Untrimmed. And yes they're a bit sharpened and prettified :| Although no trichomes were digitally added :) EDIT: Outdoor.
  17. JethroMoony

    Are there any problems with vaporizers?

    I have one of those grasshoppers coming from Indiegogo soon, but I don't have much vaping experience. I do have one of those big ones with a tube you plug to a bag or just take hits from the hose. Sounds like a damn hive of bees though. Was reading through some articles about which compounds...
  18. JethroMoony

    Need Advice

    Tell him you work the IRS and he is going to be audited? I mean really... Which is scarier? Sounds like you're screwed... Best bet is to go the USPS insurance route. Although I would think he would take care of that as he is the one who insured it?
  19. JethroMoony

    quick question about my plants

    Plus Big Bud is usually... Big :) I mean... If all goes well.