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  1. H

    please help me (nutrients)

    And i need something in canada not outside of canada thank you
  2. H

    please help me (nutrients)

    What else can i use its in soil
  3. H

    please help me (nutrients)

    did anyone tryed grÜv blooming here's a link can this give me a decent yield ? or it's not worth it? please i really need an answer?
  4. H

    Salvia Trip

    I had the same problem i smoked salvia 20x after 3 shots i starded to see all of my objects in thr room colored and all objets are al people im not joking i swear tammorrow im trying the salvia 10x can't wait to see what will happen
  5. H

    Just a sample question

    Can a hps bulb explode at anyway? thank you
  6. H

    Hello i have a really important message please help

    I don't know the capacity of the pot i just know that it is 10" and if i trasplsnt it in a bigger pot and finnaly turns out a male what em i going 2 do?
  7. H

    Hello i have a really important message please help

    And its been 3 days that i turned the light to 12/12
  8. H

    Hello i have a really important message please help

    Can i know if i could let my plant in a 10" pot until it shows sexe Now my plant is 1month old and 17" tall and i see couple of roots stiking out of the button of the pot.... Now what should i do trasplant it in a bigger pot or let it grow until it show sex and the plant strain is( seedsman...
  9. H

    how tall or how long to determine sex

    Ok if you let a plant veg for 1 month and you turn the light to 12/12 after how many days can you determin the sex of your plant? Please help
  10. H

    Anyone tried Seedsman Purple Bud?

    If you want purple bud you need to drop the temperature man it can't be purple by it self i know im 2 late to aswer you question just to know did you finnaly grow this strain or not?
  11. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    ok thank you very much for your best help finally the plant ended up being a male i trow it away now i have only 1 plant thank you again man happy 420 keep the smoke highbongsmilie:eyesmoke:
  12. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    I dont really have any kind of garden store around here But can i know is it going to repaire by it self or its going to get worstThen finaly will die em i gowing to have any bugs because i have two plant i This one that is really has rusty spots and yellowing to and the auter plant its heathy...
  13. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    The ph level is 7.8 i water my plant every time that i see that the soil is dry my soil is mg moister control
  14. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    And i using a 430 hps light just for more info
  15. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    Its wors then yesterday Please help me i don't have any ph tester or any garden store The garden store is really farr away and don't have any kind Of trasport to go to the garden is there any autor solution that could Help this)??????
  16. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    What should i do is it good i added plant-prod all purpose 20-20-20 fertelizer
  17. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    Ofcourse i put 1 litter distilet water and 4 ml all purpose fertelizer
  18. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    Ok i just added 1 litter of some 20-20-20 all purpose fertelizer is that good ?
  19. H

    problem with my plant please help me

    hello can i know why two of my leafs are like this brown and yellow its even crispy please help me i don't use nutrient or any kind of vitamins i use only water any help will be appreciated thank you
  20. H

    Plant Prod 15-30-15 any good for budding? [Fertilizer]

    150w hps is good for 1 plant but its not enought for 2 you will need maximum 250w or 400w hps for 2 plants for big nugs and if you want some advice for big nugs use MG ultra blom15-30-15 in flowering and you can use plant-prod all purpose 20-20-20 for veg