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  1. Cobbyist

    14/10 flower schedule?

    When you tried 14/10 what veg light cycle were you using? I wonder if the bigger difference from 20/4 vs 18/6 will help trigger flower sooner?
  2. Cobbyist

    14/10 flower schedule?

    I can’t seem to find much online about others doing the 14/10 flower schedule, the few I have found also say increased flower time like you said..but also increased yields. I’m wondering if others who tried 14/10 flower can verify this?
  3. Cobbyist

    14/10 flower schedule?

    As I said earlier my work schedule is random. I work in film so to make it short, I can start at any time of the day/night and my work hours range from 8-16 a day. There is no schedule I can set my lights to so basically the only way to better my chances is more light hours total. And yes I...
  4. Cobbyist

    Where to find Black Cherry Soda seeds?

    Thanks for the link higher self! But is that not a crossing of 2 stains as well? Black Cherry Soda X Cherry Sprite? Its starting to look like a cross is the only choice if I want BCS.
  5. Cobbyist

    14/10 flower schedule?

    Hi guys, due to the nature of my work, I’m having a hard time being home when the lights are on sometimes. Making feeding/caring for the plants difficult sometimes. My work is very random and I come home at all different times of the day/night. Will a 20/4 veg and 14/10 flower schedule work...
  6. Cobbyist

    Where to find Black Cherry Soda seeds?

    I looked around and did not find it from either of those sources. Are you able to send a link to it?
  7. Cobbyist

    Where to find Black Cherry Soda seeds?

    I have heard this strain smells/tastes amazing but I can’t find any seeds for sale. Can anyone give me any leads?
  8. Cobbyist

    Is this a copper deficiency, and should it be flushed?

    Don’t ever give up. One of the main reasons I come to this site for, is to check on your next action packed, blooper filled attempt at growing. I’ll bet I’m not alone too, so don’t let us down pls.
  9. Cobbyist

    1st Time grow with mars 300w led

    Just because the ad says it’s a Cob light, doesn’t mean it’s good. I’ll bet those lights you have posted has no better efficiency than the Mars Hydro. Seeing that your from Europe, Timber grow lights might not be an economical option for you. (Cob chips)...
  10. Cobbyist

    1st Time grow with mars 300w led

    What we’re trying to say here is don’t buy another blurple led anything stated above CMH, HPS or COB led. They will all outperform the Mars or any blurple led at the same wattage.
  11. Cobbyist

    1st Time grow with mars 300w led

    Or even get 200w of Cobs. Mars is about 20-25% efficient Vero 29 cobs from timber are 50% So with 130w of mars you get 32w of light and 97w of heat at best 200w of the cobs I mentioned will get you 100w of light and 100w of heat...
  12. Cobbyist

    1st Time grow with mars 300w led

    Wow 45c! Is that with an exhaust fan running? Plus I believe you can set up the ballast outside the tent to help with temps.. 130w of blurple seems a bit under powered, but 600w of hps might be a little much. I would personally sell both lights and buy either 300w of hps or the same in cob...
  13. Cobbyist

    Advanced nutrients in sunshine mix# 4

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think flower hardener by AN would be Overdrive? In the pic I posted it seems like all the ingredients are on the bottle. Also all the bottles I have from them are like the pic with all their ingredients listed. Am I missing something? Doesn't appear opaque to me..
  14. Cobbyist

    Mainlining: Are these side branches and should i cut them?

    Thank you mr.sunshine. Yours and chef Kimbo’s posts were exactly the answers I was looking for.
  15. Cobbyist

    Mainlining: Are these side branches and should i cut them?

    I put the question in bold for you the second time I wrote it in a quote, but ill rewrite it. "Does this side branching combine with the main branch to become 1 top? Or am I going to have like 24 tops if I leave them alone?" This part has not been addressed yet. I'm not asking if I should or...
  16. Cobbyist

    Mainlining: Are these side branches and should i cut them?

    That's not the question I asked, instead of just saying "bro don't", it would be appreciated if you could elaborate on the question I produced.
  17. Cobbyist

    Mainlining: Are these side branches and should i cut them?

    I believe in mainlining you do not want side-branching so the buds can fatten only on the 8 tops. I cut the lower ones because I know its going to be a thick jungle in there if I don't. But does this side branching combine with the main branch to become 1 top? Or am I going to have like 24 tops...
  18. Cobbyist

    Mainlining: Are these side branches and should i cut them?

    Hi guys, I just flipped my plants to 12/12 2 days ago and I noticed some side branching near the top of the plants. They almost seemed to get these on every node, but I got rid of the lower few before I flipped. Now I have more starting near the top of the plant. (where I haven't removed any)...
  19. Cobbyist

    GG4 Feminised? Where to find authentic seeds?

    Odd though I’ve seen lots of arguments over reg vs feminized seeds, but I’ve never seen that come up yet.
  20. Cobbyist

    GG4 Feminised? Where to find authentic seeds?

    That comment made me sad.