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  1. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    People like you who chose to remain willfuly ignorant, who CHOSE to ignore the complexities of a problem such as poverty, who forgo rational thought in favor of their extreme ideologies are the problem in this country. You need things to be as simple as possible, so you can offer a (ridiculous)...
  2. tightpockt

    Everything MMA Thread

    I don't understand why Kimbo vs. Shamrock had any draw at all....I have 0 interest in seeing a 51 year old washed up juice head fighting a 41 year old nobody. I always underestimate the amount of dumb people that are willing to buy into many people make millions marketing to...
  3. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    I'm having trouble starting this message since what I'm replying to is so stupid that I don't know where to start. Either you're a troll or a straight up dummy. McDonalds the corporation doesn't pay burger flippers and fry shakers, that's the franchise owner. Somehow you think the franchise...
  4. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    Profile is measurable. Ethics are subjective. This question is a little silly being as profit is the #1 priority for a business, it's the whole reason they're 'in business'. Pada seems to think that a business is responsible for its employees and their quality of life. Failing that he thinks...
  5. tightpockt

    Defoliation, a scientific approach...

    Exactly. All we do is manipulate these plants but when it comes to taking leaves off people bust a vessel.
  6. tightpockt

    Defoliation, a scientific approach...

    I wonder why plants don't top and lst themselves
  7. tightpockt

    2 x 300 watt LED Grow Tent in closet Heat issues

    I don't want to shit on your setup but I'm going to. You did days of research and bought all junk? My advice is to return all of it and spend your money on quality lights and quality fans.
  8. tightpockt

    Nice, thanks for the heads up...geez, 10 bucks a pop! Which holders did you get?

    Nice, thanks for the heads up...geez, 10 bucks a pop! Which holders did you get?
  9. tightpockt

    NIce light build. I'm using similar components and I've looked far and wide for the ledil...

    NIce light build. I'm using similar components and I've looked far and wide for the ledil reflectors and cant find them anywhere. Mind telling me where you picked them up?
  10. tightpockt

    Our Media In Action..

    Isn't that who we're talking about? Why would I care if he's jewsih or not?
  11. tightpockt

    Kelly Osborn trolls Rachel Dolezal irl

    Maybe historians will look back at this year as the beginning of a new age where we stop being ourselves and start creating avatars. It'll be like a pseudo halloween every day
  12. tightpockt

    Our Media In Action..

    I feel like I have to vote for him because I have no other choice. Honestly he has no shot but I can't bring myself to vote for another Clinton or Bush...I just can't.
  13. tightpockt

    The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List

    How is Rick Santorum not on this list?
  14. tightpockt

    There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

    we don't even know what "space" is made out of. We use terms like dark matter and dark energy but we're still in the infancy of our understanding of the universe and physics. I have a feeling we're just starting to get a grasp on the "basics" but with new advances in quantum mechanics those...
  15. tightpockt

    There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

    "life as we know it" and "the known universe" are the key phrases here. We know next to nothing about our universe. I'll speculate that 100 years from now our level of understanding will be laughable. You're using terms relative to us as humans and what we're capable of perceiving but again I...
  16. tightpockt

    Let's talk inline fans....

    Oh, and did I mention that it's light and small? Half the size and weight of my panasonic whisperline, just as quiet, moves more air.
  17. tightpockt

    There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

    In comparison...maybe. But IF the universe is infinite than there are infinite life sustaining planets...that means a lot of them.
  18. tightpockt

    There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

    still waiting for the "evidence"
  19. tightpockt

    There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

    Maybe I used the wrong terminology, I think we're splitting hairs. I would say the statement that "the universe isn't hospitable to life" is either false or not knowable. The fact that we're here refutes it. Obviously, I know about the vacuum of space.