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  1. country cowfreak

    A question for Potroast

    Hey Roast, I have a question for you. I have 5 plants going in a hydro garden which are going into the second week of bloom. All of the plants are looking great except one plant that has a few wilted leaves along the lower part of the plant. All of the other plants are doing fine with no signs...
  2. country cowfreak

    some pics to check out...roughly 5 weeks in

    yeah it was kind of an experiment to see if it would help reflectivity. after this grow I will be investing in some mylar.
  3. country cowfreak

    Some updated pics

    Hey folks! I just wanted to check in with some pics. There is a lot of internodal growth and the smell has kicked into overdrive. I have to get some odor control in there soon.:mrgreen:
  4. country cowfreak

    some pics to check out...roughly 5 weeks in

    I'm not too sure...a friend of mine had told me that the seeds were AK-47,but I'm not too sure. Whatever the seeds were they are very healthy!!!
  5. country cowfreak

    buying new light tomorrow!!!!NEED HELP

    Absolutely! The temps will go too high. I have a 250 watt HPS and the temp has a tendency to climb to the upper 80's if the fans are not on.
  6. country cowfreak

    buying new light tomorrow!!!!NEED HELP

    I would go for the 400 as well
  7. country cowfreak


    I have been hearing lot about T5 bulbs you may want to give them a try. Garden Known has also had a lot of luck with CFL bulbs So you may want to put a post in to him.
  8. country cowfreak

    my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics

    Doobie, it looks like you are off to a great start! I just started hearing about bubbleponics and it sounds like it would be a great way to grow. Post some pics of your progress when you get the chance.
  9. country cowfreak

    some pics to check out...roughly 5 weeks in

    Thanks DaCDaC! Last year I was trying to grow with soil and some crappy lights. This is my first grow in hydro with a HID light and I have to say that I have never seen plants grow that quick. Growing Hydro has been a great experience so far and I can't wait to see the plants when harvest time...
  10. country cowfreak

    some pics to check out...roughly 5 weeks in

    You got it Muff! I was trying to find something that had a relective surface and it was pretty cheap too ( $1 at Wal-Mart). It does help to reflect some light, but not as good as mylar would be I suppose. I want to make some improvements to the grow area after the holidays so that is one of the...
  11. country cowfreak

    some pics to check out...roughly 5 weeks in

    Hey folks! Here are some pics of my first true hydro grow. I started around the third week of Oct. the dates should be on the pics the first pics wereon 10/28 and the others taken just last night. I have been growing them on Pro veg from botanicare under a 250 watt HPS 18/6. the larger of the...
  12. country cowfreak

    Has anyone ever used Flora Nova oriducts

    I was planning on using Flora Nova Bloom on the same crop since I ran out of my normal stuff. The nutes I use are organic and this one is not. I was not sure on taking the chance that is why I wanted to check in to see if anyone else has used this stuff, and if it is okay to switch nute brands...
  13. country cowfreak

    Has anyone ever used Flora Nova oriducts

    Hello Folks! I just wanted to know if anyone has ever used Flora Nova nutes and if they worked well for them. I have been using Pro-Bloom from Botanicare but I have run out and have a full bottle of Flora Nova Bloom. The only diffenece that I can see is one is organic and the other isn't. Are...
  14. country cowfreak

    a few questions regarding fertilizers

    I am currently have the timer set for 18/6 and I suspect that I may have lucked out with females, but I'm not 100% sure. I am hoping that my one plant in particular is a lady because it is a foot and a half tall with a 3/4 inch thick stem. It looks amazing I just hope that it doesn't sprout...
  15. country cowfreak

    a few questions regarding fertilizers

    Hello folks, I have a few questions that I have that I hope some fellow farmers can help with. The first question I have is regarding fertilizers. I know that fertilizers may be open to personal preferences, but what is the best grow/bloom solution to use? I am currently using pro-grow from...
  16. country cowfreak

    Foliar feeding-spraying the leaves

    Can foliar feeding be used with hydroponics or will it over fertilize the plants?
  17. country cowfreak

    Is there any way to determine sex before 12/12 bloom cycle

    Hello fellow farmers! I have a question regarding how to determine the sex of a plant. From what I have read it seems that the plants have to be introduced to the bloom cycle to determine the sex of the plant. Is there anyway to determine the sex of the plant before starting the bloom cycle...
  18. country cowfreak

    farting in the fog

    actually, it has been proven after dropping a duece it is a good idea to shut the toilet lid before flushing because it does send a mist of shit into the air when you flush so close those lids or cover your toothbrush unless you want a shit eating grin. :spew: