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  1. country cowfreak

    farting in the fog

    scientifically speaking, farting in the fog would be akin to air pollution when it mixes with the clouds to make acid rain, but in this case the fecal rain or the dreaded shit storm. Like many folks say the shit storm is gonna hit soon that is most likely what meant.
  2. country cowfreak

    Distance of light from plant tops

    Father Jack, That is indeed the most in-depth chart I have ever seen! Thank you very much for posting it, it will come in handy! :-| + :joint: = :mrgreen: :peace:
  3. country cowfreak

    Distance of light from plant tops

    Thanks folks! I knew I could count on fellow gardners to help me find what I needed.
  4. country cowfreak

    Distance of light from plant tops

    Hello Folks, I have a quick question that I'm sure someone in this newsgroup will have the answer. I know the standard distance from the light to the plant tops has to be at least 30 inches depending upon the wattage of the lamp versus the air flow around the plant. My question is this, I have a...
  5. country cowfreak

    need help problems with plant dont know

    how far away is your light from your plants? I was looking at your pics and your light did not appear to be very close.
  6. country cowfreak

    Taste the Rainbow

    Great looking buds Old Hippy, it makes me want to taste the rainbow! I have a pretty decent hydro system that I purchased about a month ago along with a 250Watt HPS grow light. If you can spare a few seeds it would be greatly appreciated!!! Country Cowfreak
  7. country cowfreak

    Help please! Young plants are dying... :(

    I would agree with Merciless. I have a problem with too many minerals in the water so I have been using distilled water. I would also recommend using some fetilizer. I have started using Botanicare Pro-Grow organic liquid fertilizer, 7ml to 4 liters of distilled water and I have had some great...
  8. country cowfreak

    125 Watt Compact Fluorescent Grow Light

    I had a simular problem. I purchased a 250 watt HPS light and after running that on a 12/12 cycle the plant is a totally different plant. Buying the right lighting system will make a huge difference for you.
  9. country cowfreak

    The Cost of Growing

    The extra heat does come in handy. Outside of the actual energy cost I also consider how much money will be saved from not having to actually buy bud, that is how I was able to rationalize buying the system.
  10. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    The first pic was taken on 10/24/2006 which you all can see in the earlier posts, and the other pics were taken today 11/17/2006. This plant has seen all of the problems from light deficencies, spider mites, and a bad light time cycle. Believe it or not this plant was started back in early May...
  11. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    Hello All, I thought that it would be a great time to give all of you an update on that "sad little plant". First and foremost I have to extend some gratitude to Garden Knowm and SilverNomad. After reading your suggestions and following them that sad little plant is looking very proud these...
  12. country cowfreak

    Stupid stuff you've done while high?

    Okay, I love to reflect on all of the stupid things that I have done while high, and believe me it is a long extensive list. To start with one such incident that happened about 15 years ago would be a nice way to begin. A couple of my friends and myself had smoked a considerable amount of weed...
  13. country cowfreak


    I think that you will see some changes in the next few years regarding policy on marijuana. States such as California have made it where it can be used medicinally, and it is legal to grow and have on you as long as you have the proper paperwork and you are not intending to distribute. The laws...
  14. country cowfreak

    Aerogarden problem

    Tek, You can find the book Home Depot 1-2-3 home improvements and they give you detail for detail on how to splice your wires. Lowes also has a book similar in their store.
  15. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    The seltzer idea I had just started today so I do not believe that is what is causing the leaves to dry out. I thought trying this would help the plant with getting CO2. at any rate I am going to keep an eye on it.
  16. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    Okay, I added more light along with a timer. the top of the plant still looks pretty good but I have noticed that the plant leaves around the bottom to the middle of the plant along the stem look as if they are drying out. I have checked the soil and it does not appear to be either too wet or...
  17. country cowfreak

    Small bud problem

    I was using a 120 watt gro light. I have talked to a few others in the forum and they had suggested to add some flourecents to help boost the light. I implemented that yesterday so I am hoping to see some difference.
  18. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    Thanks for the tips Nomad and Knowm! This is my first time attempting to grow inside. I am going to change the fertilizer and work on the lighting situation. I have attached some pics so eveyone can get a better idea of my situation. Any other tips please send them my way! :joint: :mrgreen:
  19. country cowfreak

    plant is looking a little sad

    Hello Everyone, I started a plant around mid-May outdoors in a small pot. The plant has grown very slowly and around mid September it started to sprout some bud. Since it started to get cold I relocated the plant indoors. The plant still seems to be growing but very slowly. I am using a 120 volt...
  20. country cowfreak

    Small bud problem

    I seem to be having the same problem. My plant was started outside in the spring and had progressed very slowly. When it started getting cold I relocated the plant indoors and it is still very slow growing. There are buds trying to form but they seem to be very small, also the traditional 5...