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  1. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    Thanks man, do you know anything about fabric grow bags? I ordered two 20 gallon bags and when i got them they have a plastic bag like liner on the inside of them. Im just wondering if im supposed to remove them or leave them in? Lol .
  2. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    yeah im trying the air pots next run. I keep hearing good things about them. But i ordered some 20 gallon fabric pots that are lined with plastic. Doesnt make much sense to me, i should cut the lining out right?
  3. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    Ph has been between 6.2 and 6.8 everytime i checked it. Only using organic nutes and rain water. But i do think i messed up and over watered her. Made her kind of droopy but i put a fan on her and shes perked back up now.
  4. drcoop69

    rain on outside potted plants

    Yeah got three days of strait rain here. But she seems to have liked it. She perked right up as soon as the sun came back out. Was worried, never grown outdoors in a pot before.
  5. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    Yeah shes really squat with nodes really close together. I started her in a one gallon and the other two in a solo cup so i dont know if thats why she didnt stretch like the others or not. they where same distance from lights and everything. But thats good to hear. I will do
  6. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    this is my wonder woman 2 weeks from seed but shes three inches shorter than all the rest still has six nodes tho. Think i should top her and see if she takes off?
  7. drcoop69

    2 weeks from seed but really short

    this is my wonder woman 2 weeks from seed but shes three inches shorter than all the rest still has six nodes tho. Think i should top her and see if she takes off?
  8. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Oh thats cool bc i acually have all of that, thanks man. I got a pump and some airstones today so i should be good to go now.
  9. drcoop69

    rain on outside potted plants

    This may sound like a dumb question but will it hurt my potted plant to be rained on for like two days strait?
  10. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Right now what i have is honemade compost, liquid fish emulsions 5-1-1, alaskin mor bloom 0-10-10 grandmas molasses and ewc.
  11. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Great bc thats what i want to do no matter what i wanna keep it 100% organic. no chemicals at all. Need some good simple recipes for compost tea to start off with tho, im on kind of a tight budget.
  12. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Yeah im very interested
  13. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    Cool thanks and all of the seeds should be either female or hermy right?
  14. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Cool thanks i have a good compost pile cooking now. Cant find any guano where i live guess ill have to order some online. The soil is burpee organics with coco core and perlite mixed in with some worm castings i picked up at tractor supply. It was that or mirical grow. Not alot of choices in...
  15. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    Trying to find some alaskin thunder fuck but cant seem to find them on any sites that ship to the us.
  16. drcoop69

    How often should i give ferts to flowering plants

    Ok so i have three girls five weeks into flower as of today. I only use my own homemade organic ferts. But i was wondering if i should use them more often than once every week with flowering plants? Im using compost tea made from banana skins and vermicompost with a little bone meal and molasses.
  17. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    Ok cuz i got a hermy aos×chease quake that i want to keep going mostly bc shes so damn frosty just never. × pollenated anything before.
  18. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    i dont know if the temps accually have a dramatic effect on sex but i buy regular every time i get new seeds, temp in my seedling box stays between 79 and 83 degrees and i have only got one male out of 20 reg seeds. But thats not counting the bag seed. Hoping i keep this streek going though...
  19. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    ok cool. Its been raining here the last two days pretty hard but ill try to post a pic before i harvest whats on her. But i still dont see any sign of reveg yet. No straight edge new growth or anything of that nature. I had her on 24 hours of light before i put her out six weeks ago though so it...