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  1. drcoop69

    Misty kush seedling growing slowly outdoors

    Cool thanks, i went out to check on her this morning and she already has new growth over night.
  2. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    Thanks. Do you know how to like post on here? Lol
  3. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    K nice, exacty what i needed to know thanks man.
  4. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    Yeah ive heard good and bad things about nirvana seeds this will be my first run with them but they are looking good so far. Thanks man
  5. drcoop69

    Misty kush seedling growing slowly outdoors

    Yeah i get a little anxious when it comes to my girls, and this is my first outside grow. Any info on transpanting to a twenty gallon pot? Not right away of course but could i go strait from a 3 to a twenty without it hurting anything?
  6. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    Anyone know what will happen if i just leave her alone, will the buds that are on her be any good? Should i chop those off before she goes into reveg?
  7. drcoop69

    Misty kush seedling growing slowly outdoors

    So i have a misty kush seedling growing outside in a 3 gallon pot. It seems to be growing very slowly compared to my inside girls and was just wondering if it could be transplant shock bc i transplanted her a week ago from a solo cup. Could be just a case of impatient newb syndrome.
  8. drcoop69

    What beans are you popping next?

    just popped 2 wonder woman from nirvana, and 1 misty kush. Got a small grow setup for now. So i only grow three girls at a time.
  9. drcoop69

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hi everyone i am from south carolina been growing inside for a little over a year so ima total newb but looking forward to learning from everyone here.
  10. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    If i wait until the end of summer wont her already formed buds be wasted? Im not sure i would want to move her inside bc she is planted in the ground. I just dont want to lose the super stank buds shes already formed. They look like they are caoted in snow.
  11. drcoop69

    plants revegging late in flower

    Okay so i placed a clone of ace of spades×cheasequake outside in mid april. It began flowering almost immediately. It is now 6 weeks into flower and im afraid it may reveg bc of the increase in daylight hours. If so would i just need to harvest and be happy with what shes got or just let her...