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  1. kirby

    Using Hydro nutes in soil? Advice please

    Anyone have any advice? Edit: I have some pH and PPM test kits for pools and hot tubs, forgot totally about these things. So I did a test of the water from the hose, with a filter on it to supposedly remove contaminants, and here's the results of the test: PPM Total Hardness: I want to say...
  2. kirby

    What? Bananas? Or WTF? See Pics...HELP

    Yes you got some nanners there! How old is your plant, what day into flowering? If you let it grow too long it naturally produces these male flowers, and some strains sooner than others. If that's your only plant, then just pick them out, let your plant grow and you can still smoke it and get...
  3. kirby

    The Three - Amazing Shits....

    Thanks for your comments and help! :D My plants are always outside, except when it rains, so it gents a pretty good flow of breeze and CO2 :D If they're in my inside rig, I have a fan that blows on them so they keep strong stems. I got Epsom Salt too for magnesium, wonderful :D I used to...
  4. kirby

    Using Hydro nutes in soil? Advice please

    Ah, that's what I thought, thanks for clearing it up! However, if that's the case then I think somethings off... Distilled water has a PPM of 5-15 usually. On the bottle, it says for 300 PPM water, use 0.80 TSP/GAL. So, for 150 PPM water it would be 0.4 TSP/GAL, and for 37 PPM water...
  5. kirby

    Using Hydro nutes in soil? Advice please

    Hello, I wanted to do some tests and see what the hype was all about so I purchased some Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur, both parts. A lot of people over-look it because it's so much money, but the people who have used it on forums swear by it and say it's worth it, speaking how it improves...
  6. kirby

    Empty Beer Bottles

    I bet if you took left over beers from a party, poured them into a bucket, then added a tad bit of sugar and yeast, you might have a co2 farm going on
  7. kirby

    Empty Beer Bottles

    There's a thread here in organic's by Ohsogreen who advocated the use of feeding plants with beer. It works, and it's healthy! Pop open a beer every once and awhile, and pour the WHOLE thing into the plant. It's not harmful in any way, but you might want to go checkout the topic. And as far...
  8. kirby

    Take a clone only strain, produce feminised seeds?

    Maybe it would be considered technically backcrossing.. I'm not sure. And no problem guys :P Anyone else know the answer? :?
  9. kirby

    Take a clone only strain, produce feminised seeds?

    This works (bio)logically in my head but maybe not genetically... read on my fellow pot enthusiasts. Now, the concept of making feminized seeds is fairly simple(however getting 90% female seed percentages is a totally different story). For those who don't know how it's done, I can give a...
  10. kirby

    The Three - Amazing Shits....

    Yeah, I'm looking to take Joint Doctor's Diesel Ryder, grow a bunch of plants, and make it more of an IBL. I've already grown 4 out fully. From what I know, and from experience, Diesel Ryders have a much higher tolerance to nutes than LR#2. However, I've attached some pics of my plants that...
  11. kirby

    The Three - Amazing Shits....

    Great words of wisdom there, thanks for all of that! And correct, as far as I know, it's better to underwater because the soil gets dry -- then the roots go looking for water. Hmm.. I'm growing some plants right now outdoors that are just starting to flower, but my main grows are going to be...
  12. kirby

    Venus Flytrap

    To decompose! Every time they land they drop eggs. Which is why: you leave trash out, flies come on it, lay eggs, the eggs hatch into maggots, which turns into more flies. Icky, but it's what happens! Also, I think that Venus Fly Trap is awesome! I want to get one now, my friend used to...
  13. kirby

    Low Ryder or 1 plant in apartment

    4saken, The new cool is something called Diesel Ryder, which everyone seems to be purchasing and growing, including myself. Diesel Ryder is a cross between NYC Diesel and Lowryder #2, and can produce anywhere from 1-3 ounces in a single plant, with it's height being under 2 feet, usually around...
  14. kirby

    Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder

    Great looking plants you got there, not many people post pictures of Diesel Ryders, looks like were some of them :P You harvest any yet, if so how much ya get from one plant? Also, how did you quickly dry a sample of your bud to smoke, I know you can pick it and let it dry in a microwave...
  15. kirby

    Have you ever transported on a grayhound?

    I say, if you can rig up a way where it wont smell AT ALL, then fuck, go for it, put it in a luggage bag, or duffel bag, then pack cloths and other real items around it. Jiva is right, buses don't get pulled over, and the only thing that would set off a red alarm is if theres ANY ganja smell...
  16. kirby

    Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder

    Did you grow yours outside? Mine are just about 9 weeks old... I should harvest them soon... I also selectivly pollinated some of my flowers, but I dont think the seeds will get enough time to mature. We'll see what happens though, I still got 4 orig. seeds left that I plan on planting very...
  17. kirby

    Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder

    Ah, great just what I needed, another Diesel Ryder grower! So I got at least 2 weeks till harvest then? Fantastic, I'll keep feeding with organics and molasses, let them beef up with potency and size. I guess I'll give it a few more days to fix its curling problems -- I know that's not...
  18. kirby

    Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder

    Thanks, appreciate the comments! Haven't harvested them yet, but they're in 1.3 gallon pots and could've had more time to grow out their roots.. so I'm not expecting much of a harvest, just some dank dank potent fruity buds. They smell fruity and wonderful, strong odor. However, the problem...
  19. kirby

    Above Top Secret - HippieontheHill

    I've been reading things on ATS for over 7 years, I was there when the site was new. It was a-lot different back way back when. Instead of it being a whole forum, it was a site with many articles on it pertaining to American Concentration camps from FEMA, Mind Control techniques to be in use...
  20. kirby

    Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder

    I've stated above that these problems don't seem like it has anything to do with nitrogen deficiency during flowering. The leaves are clawing, and the wrong leaves are yellow to be a flowering trait so far, however it might be the start, but doubted.