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  1. kirby

    Green Plant, Brittle / Hard Leaves?

    I would get pics but my camera is dead and needs charging.
  2. kirby

    Green Plant, Brittle / Hard Leaves?

    But they don't have touch... I said the plants look completely healthy and anyone whos experienced hard or brittle leaves might know what this is. Anyone? thanks -krb
  3. kirby

    Green Plant, Brittle / Hard Leaves?

    bumppppppppp for budddddddddddd
  4. kirby

    Green Plant, Brittle / Hard Leaves?

    I have a Diesel Ryder going right now, and the growth seems completely stunted for some reason. It's like 6" tall, and it looks like one giant frosty nug like the size of a coconut, haha. It was under a 400w HPS... but was being shaded by another plant, so I put it in my veg box under 6 CFL's...
  5. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    Yes the flowering is so long!!! It smells like a slightly foul smell with lots of lemon, and plants can grow huge if planted outdoors, not that many trichs but they build up towards the end. Hopefully the high is a very powerful body stone... Indica's have a special place in my heart!! haha
  6. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    Just in case anyone cares, this experiment has once again reassured my confidence in the cannabis plant, lol. After my chronicles of growing this summer, I've undoubted learned a lot, and one thing I have learned is EXPERIENCE IS MORE THAN WORDS, haha. People are conformed to a strict...
  7. kirby

    native american ethnobotony

    I just spent the last 2 hours researching Datura after seeing how many ancient society's used it in this thread. Its a weed, grows in all states except 4 random ones, and is very very easy to grow just like any other plant. There's 12-15 strains of Datura, one of the most common being Inoxia...
  8. kirby

    native american ethnobotony

    Very neat! Thanks! I'm curious about the hallucinogen that is used to see dead people... hah.. I believe it to an extent
  9. kirby

    Can I still clone after starting flowering?

    The past month, I took a clone from a plant that was outdoors and flowering for a week to three weeks. The clone seemed like it took 2+ weeks to root... and its still has white hairs on it exactly how they were when I took the cutting... However the hairs on the very top are browning / away, so...
  10. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    After many many days ( 2+ weeks ), It seems as if the clone has rooted. All the pistils on the top of the plant are turning brown and dieing, however all the other pistils on the plant are still white. Leaves are slowly yellowing, is it ok to give it a solution of nitrogen, and do clones burn...
  11. kirby

    Feeding Mary - All Organic / Chems or Both ?

    I use organics for everything... but I sometimes add advanced nutrients connoisseur as a supplement for flowering... to see how good it works.
  12. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    I know clones are supposed to look like they're dying when they're growing roots... so I pose to you some questions. Its been about 1-2 weeks already since I planted it in soil with rooting powder, and I foliar fed it twice a day with a solution of fish emulsion, vitamin b1, and superthrive. I...
  13. kirby

    Al B. FAQt

    Great, thanks for the tips! However, isnt the CarboLoad nutrient from Advanced Nutrients basically Unsulphered Molasses? If you mix water with molasses, and let it ferment for a few days with plenty of oxygen, it should break down to a form where the plants can use it along with boosting...
  14. kirby

    Al B. FAQt

    any advice? :bigjoint:
  15. kirby

    Al B. FAQt

    I have a clone I took from a flowering plant, in which I cut it at a 45 deg angle, and then split some of the stem. I also scraped away some of the stem, with some scissors so its not as thick. Its now sitting in a solution of b1, and some superthrive, along with some rooting hormone. Should...
  16. kirby

    DIY Rubbermaid Grow Box

    I made this same... or very close to this setup. I got 2 rubbermaid containers, and lined both insides of them with mylar. This reflects the light all around inside, and prevents light through seeping through the plastic -- so its not a glow box! Lol. I put them ontop of eachother, and then...
  17. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    The clones not too big? 4-6 Big leaves, with other smaller ones. If you look at the picture, do you recommend I cut off the flowering top, and just leave on the 2 fan leaves, and veg that? Thanks :D Can I give nutes full strength, or will those burn roots or whatever?
  18. kirby

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    On one of my plants, I took a small branch off hoping to turn it into a clone. Now, I've grown many plants this summer, but they've all been started from my, or some company's seed. I have a good idea how to clone... cut at 45 deg angle, use gel/powder/liquid and get a good portion of the stem...
  19. kirby

    Organic / Natual Pest Repellants

    Hell yeah thanks for the response. So it's those pesky grasshoppers that shit on my plants? Haha damn. As far as dusting on Diamatious Earth... just dust it on whenever plant problems are seen I'm assuming, and it will wash off with rain too, do, use whenever needed? Is there anything that...
  20. kirby

    Organic / Natual Pest Repellants

    I did an outdoor grow this summer in a patch of heavily vegetated field, and with lots of weeds in a vegetated field..... come... lots of pests unfortunately. From the 10+ plants I've grown outdoors this summer, I've experienced Deer or Animals eating my plants(one animal even fimmed my plant...