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  1. Brushog


    This is one 1000w bulb. What are the benefits?
  2. Brushog


    Looking to see if anyone has info on which is better. I can get a new dual arc for 75 from my grow store but didn't know if this was the better choice
  3. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I hate these upside down pictures
  4. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I have more
  5. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I have no idea what it may do. This is my first grow.
  6. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I have 8 ft ceiling. I don't know of the temp fluctuation has anything to do with it. I use my light to heat the outside room when it gets 10 degrees outside. But my temps range from 60 to 80 most of the time
  7. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    Actually 20 days by the date. This was my first bulb purchase ever. I also have a T5 standing up on the side of the plants.
  8. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    This is my very first grow and I had no equipment at all.
  9. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I'll see if I can find my receipt and take a picture and post it so you can see the date I started all of this.
  10. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    Half ocean forest. Half happy frog. After the first week I gave them molasses every other watering. Every other watering was super thrive(which I have stopped now) 2nd week age old organics.
  11. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    22 days. I'm thinking of going 12/12 im the next couple days
  12. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    Yes. I bought one of those to tomato baskets you see on tv that grows upside down
  13. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    All the plants look like they have the female pistils showing
  14. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    I did veg under MH 2 1/2 weeks and then put them under a a stronger HPS that I keep close without burning for a half week. They seem to be doing great
  15. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    This seems to be a good batch. First time growing and I guess I'm doing something right.
  16. Brushog

    Pineapple Express. Is it time!

    So these are 22 days into veg. 18 inches tall. Should I start under HPS? And how much bigger will the get?
  17. Brushog

    IS 600 watts ENOUGH??????

    3 weeks under the 600w.... Is it time to switch to bloom?
  18. Brushog

    IS 600 watts ENOUGH??????

    I put a 6 BUlb T5 in there for now. Hopefully that will do some good.
  19. Brushog

    IS 600 watts ENOUGH??????

    Grow room is 4 1/2 by 5 1/2... 9 plants... Is 600 enough or should I go with 1000??
  20. Brushog

    Is it possible to transplant without shock????

    No not staring at the plant!!!!LOL... Just went out to check it and all looks good...