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  1. Brushog

    My pineapple express..... When to top??????

    Just topped one and will see how it looks in a couple of days.
  2. Brushog

    Is it possible to transplant without shock????

    Is it possible???? How long does it take to see the effects if it does go into shock? I transplanted 5 hours ago from a 3 gallon to a 5 gallon and can see no difference
  3. Brushog

    My pineapple express..... When to top??????

    My Pineapple Express are 17 days old. About 12 inches tall... When should I think about topping them???? Thanks for any info
  4. Brushog

    new grower yellowing leaves about to start flowering today NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As long as all of the leaves are not yellow I think your ok. Plants loose there leaves and it usually starts with the older ones that are at the bottom.
  5. Brushog

    Super use or not to use.....

    I got them in Colorado.... That's all I'm saying....
  6. Brushog

    Super use or not to use.....

    Pineapple. Half ocean forest and half happy frog. 600w mh
  7. Brushog

    Super use or not to use.....

    Damm I wish these pictures would not post upside down
  8. Brushog

    Super use or not to use.....

    I don't think these look too STRECHY....
  9. Brushog

    Can i start my flower at 2 weeks?

    I can wait a few more weeks. There about 12 now. There in 3 gallon pots so I'm figuring at least 18 then start the process
  10. Brushog

    Super use or not to use.....

    I bought a bottle of super thrive and have been using it on every other watering. Plants look good and all but I need to know everyone's thoughts on this product.... My plants are only 2 weeks old and are almost 12 inches. Tell me the pros and cons please. This is my first grow
  11. Brushog

    Can i start my flower at 2 weeks?

    Sorry for the upside down pics. I am under 600w MH light for 24/7. These are only 2 weeks old at this time. Should I leave them under MH for another few weeks or should I start the 12/12? Also if I start the 12/12 how much bigger will they get? Thanks for any info
  12. Brushog

    2 week old plants with a little yellow spots

    Half ocean forest and half happy frog. Ph is set at 6.5 for watering. Temps range from 60 to 78. Using 600w MH bulb about 18 inches off of the top. Only thing I am putting in is bcuzz root. They are only 2 weeks old so no other nutes. There are just a few specs on the lower leaves and not so...
  13. Brushog

    Welcome New Members!

    Here they are after 2 weeks. Sorry for the upside down picture.
  14. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    There not autos.
  15. Brushog

    2 week old plants with a little yellow spots

    2 week old plants. The is a little bit of the leaves with yellow spots. Not vey much but would like to know what causes this? Any info would help
  16. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    Pineapple. This is my very first indoor grow so hope all goes well
  17. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    Here is at 2 weeks
  18. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    I am in veg right now. I am lucky I can keep the heat up when it's 10 degrees outside. The plants are actually doing quite well even with the temp swing. I do have a little heater just to make sure I don't drop below 60. Thanks for all the info
  19. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    Temps range from 60 at night to almost 80 during the day. I do have a fresh air fan coming in and a outtake fan at the top of the room. Also have the light about 18 inches off of the plants. If I could figure out how to load tthem off of my phone I would let you guys take aa look to see if...
  20. Brushog

    Help with Lighting Issue

    Yield master 2 classic with 600w MH