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  1. g33k

    Diy hps reflector - Need help

    ive read in other posts on this site that aluminum foil will reflect heat, but not light. do you think aluminum foil will work, or should i get actual aluminum sheets?
  2. g33k

    Diy hps reflector - Need help

    hey guys. i am making a reflector for my hps bulbs. i found some people online that made homemade reflectors for lights, but at the end they coated it with chrome spraypaint. what do you guys think? ive heard flat white is better. thanks!
  3. g33k

    passing a drug test with somone elses urine

    i have passed drug tests using other peoples piss twice. i bought a travel shampoo, emptied the bottle, boiled it in water to clean away any chemicals left by the shampoo. then, as close as you can get the test, get someone to give a "speciman". i was on the water polo team in college, so i just...
  4. g33k

    cloning - topping or use cuttings?

    i want to start cloning the plant i have in veggy stage. is it better to clone from topping the plant, or clone from cuttings from the lower portion of the plant? im guessing from topping the plant, you only get 1 clone. using cuttings, im assuming you get as many as you cut off?
  5. g33k

    good carbo loader for hydro??

    hey guys! just wanted to get some suggestions on what type of carbo loader is good for a hydro setup. is it recommended at all for hydro? if so, what are some good brands and when/how much should i start to apply it? thanks!
  6. g33k

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    quick question about your awesome flowering setup: i noticed in your explaination of your cloner and veg unit, you were very conscience of the space that your roots will have, but in your flowering unit, are the roots all jammed up in the 4x4 space of the fence post? thanks!!
  7. g33k

    Lighting Question - Flourescent and HPS

    so are you saying that i should use an HPS for the entire grow?? or the HPS will give me a higher yield if used in the flowering stage only??
  8. g33k

    Lighting Question - Flourescent and HPS

    right now, my grow box is for one plant. it has 2 24" flourescents set up vertically and a 150w CFL overhead. i was wondering, for flowering, can i leave the vertical flourescents and replace the CFL for a HPS? can the 2 types of light live in harmony? or should i just resort to the HPS only...
  9. g33k

    Anyone in the U.S. buy any seeds from Greenhouse Seeds?

    i ordered greenhouse AI from it took about 2 months... i gave up on it, but it finally came after i emailed drchronic. i think they forgot to send it, because it mysteriously showed up about 4 days after i emailed them. i ordered the 3-pack, but they sent 4 and im currently only...
  10. g33k

    my baby needs help! PICS

    so you dont think it was the couple days of full dosed veg nutes? just curious...
  11. g33k

    my baby needs help! PICS

    this is a hydro build, but since the roots havent gotten big enough to leave the net pot, im using a drip system to water it 5 times a day (spread out evenly every few hours). i have 2 24" flourescents and a 150w cfl. the ph of the water is about 6.5. the light cycle is 18/6, but the cycle got...
  12. g33k

    my baby needs help! PICS

    anyone?? i know you guys are out there... bueller? bueller?? =P
  13. g33k

    my baby needs help! PICS

    hey guys.. this little girl is about 16 days old and is having some issues. she is no bigger than a silver dollar and has discoloration in the leaves (see pic). any thoughts?
  14. g33k

    stunted growth question...

    thanx killa - anyone else got an opinion?
  15. g33k

    stunted growth question...

    anyone? bueller? bueller? =P
  16. g33k

    12 days into growth... too small?

    i think i stunted her with stress. i tried to do everything correct, but i was building my setup while she was just coming out of the medium, so she has experienced a lot of moving around, lighting changes, watering changes, etc... if i stunted her, but manage to get her back on track, can she...
  17. g33k

    New tent, Carbon filter question

    a carbon scrubber is just a tube with carbon stones(like for a fish tank filter) that you mount a fan to, to blow the funk air through it.
  18. g33k

    stunted growth question...

    hey gang. i have a little girl thats 15 days old, yet she is still only about as big a quarter and about an inch and a half out of the medium. im pretty sure i shocked and stressed her out trying to configure my first grow box just right. i think ive stunted her growth like a gymnist. if i can...