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  1. satan's dalmation

    2000w on 12/3 wire

    Would there be any problem running 2 1000w hps lights and a 750w little portable heater on a 12/3 romex feed?
  2. satan's dalmation

    Marijuana economy on CNBC tonight

    You know i help this at least helps sway a couple of damn law makers in my state on all of the lost revenue (enforcement costs plus lost taxes). But no.
  3. satan's dalmation

    Marijuana economy on CNBC tonight

    CNBC Report: marijuana Inc -- Inside America's Pot Industry — While it may not be traded on Wall Street any time soon, marijuana has become a booming cash crop. CNBC's Trish Regan goes behind the scenes to explore the inner workings of this secretive industry, focusing on Northern...
  4. satan's dalmation

    Marijuana Economy report on CNBC tonight

    CNBC Report: Marijuana Inc -- Inside America's Pot Industry — While it may not be traded on Wall Street any time soon, marijuana has become a booming cash crop. CNBC's Trish Regan goes behind the scenes to explore the inner workings of this secretive industry, focusing on Northern...
  5. satan's dalmation

    30x micro for cheap

    30 x 21mm Eye Magnifying Glass Magnifier Jeweler Loupe$2.98Free I ordered one yesterday, didn't come in yet so can't say how good it is but hell 3 bucks!
  6. satan's dalmation

    30x Microscope WHERE CAN I GET

    happyface3 bucks with shipping? hhmmmmm show a link of this then. 30 x 21mm Eye Magnifying Glass Magnifier Jeweler Loupe$2.98Free
  7. satan's dalmation

    30x Microscope WHERE CAN I GET

    Ordered mine today off ebay for 3 bucks.
  8. satan's dalmation

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    Yea it does show in them. my dog could run for days, and loves to bite other fuzzy creatures. She has been getting better though. i got a shock collar for her so i zapped her one time when she used to run off, she tried to bite it!!??! Simple damn dog
  9. satan's dalmation

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    Thanks man, i didn't know it when i got her but these things were actually bred for protection and sentry dogs? high energy cow lookin things. Used to escort hoses and carrages for protection and guard them @ night. so when they did away with the horses to pull the water wagon around the firemen...
  10. satan's dalmation

    Procyon 100 LED Grow Light

    Procyon 100 - Award Winning LED Grow Light [PROCYON100] [USA] Any info on these things??
  11. satan's dalmation

    Econolight not showing the 150watt hps vapor light

    not all hope is lost fellow farmers. let see what happens here. i just put a request in at trade key for, hps lights, hps light kits, greenhouse lights, led lights, led greenhouse lights. Before they closed the plant down and before growing i was planning to take my home off thre grid and...
  12. satan's dalmation

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    She looks cute but i never knew they could be so territorial. i got her @ the pound with her pups im suprised anything got that close to her
  13. satan's dalmation

    Alaskan Ice Amazing

    9 to 10 weeks
  14. satan's dalmation

    alaskan ice, durban poison indoor soil grow

    Watered again today. They seem to be gettin bigger
  15. satan's dalmation

    When to plant clones

    I took clones about 2 weeks ago and the roots are now about 1/2" out of the rockwool. When should it be safe to plant them
  16. satan's dalmation

    4 x 4 space, what is the best light???

    i just may fet the 1000w.
  17. satan's dalmation

    4 x 4 space, what is the best light???

    I have a heater in my other room now. I have all the other equipment to control the temps when i build the other room. I have a 24v step down transformer supplying power to 2 programmable thermostats. one for heat to control daytime temp and a programmed 10 degree drop at night. the other one is...
  18. satan's dalmation

    getting air to roots in soil

    it isn't that hard man you must be overdoing something. The big man in the sky designed this thing to grow in dirt. Sittin bull didn't pack hydro grown bud in his peace pipe
  19. satan's dalmation

    What's everyone's 2009 outdoor grow plans?

    700 bucks a day. I need a job. where do i apply??
  20. satan's dalmation

    4 x 4 space, what is the best light???

    cfl's are out not enough power, to many wires outlets plugs etc... and to answer cannabolics question, it is in 4x4 "closet" a detatched toolshed. it is currently -3 degrees where i am and there is frost on the inside walls of the shed from the moisture from my other grow in there. I have 1000w...