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  1. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    I'm pretty sure I have two different strains growing here. There are two of the plants that are very bushy and have long leaf growth coming out just above the fan leaf stems. The the last plant has a much thicker main stem and the leaf growth above each fan leaf stem at the nodes does not seem...
  2. Agnot3000

    first grow

    I'll have to keep that in mind lol. This room feels like a freaking boiler room half the time. around 85 deg or so. Odd thing is it gets hotter at night when the lights are off. you cant smell it outside or in most of the house but a little in the hallway and when you open the door its like BAM...
  3. Agnot3000

    first grow

    Your babies look great :mrgreen: I'm hoping to build up to that many plants after a grow or two. Want to make sure I can keep the smell under control and all that. Safety first
  4. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    I've been doing my best to keep them warm and clean. I have also gotten into a very strange habit of talking to them lol I mean talking to them a lot like someone might talk to a pet. And I tend to play a ton of music in the room they are in,
  5. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    Who knows I might just be crazy but does anyone else talk to their plants? I tend to do it a lot that and music, I'm always playing music for them lol,
  6. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    cool thanks for the info. I hope your right about the third. Will kind of be like the growers version of a hole in one if I get three out of three lol.
  7. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    Well I'm now 100% that one of them is a female I can see nice pairs of white hairs around the 7th node. One of the other plants is looking a lot like the female was 3 days ago so I'm thinking that it's female as well. Will post some pics once they get large enough for my cam to get good pics of...
  8. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Well its the start of day 8 of flowering. Lights clicked on and I checked each plant. And what did I find but wonderful white hairs on two of the three plants :mrgreen: Not sure about the third plant its not showing much of anything as of yet so the wait is still on with that one. I do have one...
  9. Agnot3000

    Transplant question

    This being my first grow and all just wanted to check. But I'm thinking if I'm careful it might just delay the plants by a week or so. I now have two out of three that are females on day 7 of flowering so I would hate to kill them doing it
  10. Agnot3000

    Transplant question

    Just a quick noob question. I made the mistake of keeping my plants in 3 small 1 gallon pots. They are in the first week of flowering and I'm pretty sure they are root bound. I know it will stress them to move them into something bigger. But overall will it not be better to move them now if I'm...
  11. Agnot3000

    7 Weeks Flowering, 150w HPS, Trichs and Bud Porn Pics

    They look great man. I was thinking of adding a 150hps to my cfl setup and your picks just made me place an order for one. Can't wait to see more when you harvest.
  12. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    I've got a total of three flowering. Only one has shown sex and I "think" its a female. But its only day 7 of flowering so I'm holding off on being 100% on any of them till I see something bigger than the tiny hairs I've seen on the one plant. No male pollen sacks so far so that is a good sign I...
  13. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    Guess I should post pics before I hit the submit button sorry bout that. I'm starting to think I might have three girls but I am only 100% on one of them so far but nothing that looks male as of yet,
  14. Agnot3000

    How do they look?

    Just wanted to take a second and post a few pics of my first three plants and see what everyone thought about them. They are on the sixth day of flowering now, Just now starting to smell it's great :eyesmoke:
  15. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Just thought I would take a second and update with a few pics, Feel free to let me know what ya think.
  16. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    LOL thanks, thats one of my greyhounds. Just took the pic at the right time
  17. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Well I woke up this morning to the lights clicking on. Went to check my babies and I think one of my plants, the best one imo has one set of two very tiny hairs coming out right where they should be :mrgreen: There is no way my cam can take pics of it being so small. I'll keep an eye on "her"...
  18. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    Yeah I'm about to transplant them in the next day or two. Who knows maybe just maybe it will be a she and make some great bud.
  19. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    Well our little plant in question finally started to grow a bit. It's really starting to remind me of Timmy from southpark lol. Sorry about the pics the cams not that good for close ups. It's starting to look a lot like nasty green corn flakes or something.
  20. Agnot3000

    Matanuska Thunderfuck?

    It's the Matanuska vally area north of Anchorage, aka where sara palin is from lol. They have a great outdoor growing season for a short 2 months in the summer with almost 24/0 sunlight. They have a amazingly large agricultural industry in the area. I was in the army up there in the mid 90's and...