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  1. Agnot3000


    Looking really nice man, Can't wait to see some more pics
  2. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    I was thinking of getting a small HPS lamp like this one Its only 150watts but its hard enough as it is to deal with temps here so I don't want to get too hot. A lamp like this and the CFL's I have should be enough for a handful of...
  3. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    I'm 100% with you on that. It can't hurt to let it live lol. If nothing else it could be some entertainment for everyone here via pics if it keeps growing strange.
  4. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    Ok so the seedling in question finally started to "grow" badly deformed it putting it lightly. My cam is not the best but it really looks like its turning into the Timmy of plants lol.
  5. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    LOL join the club. I love checking the topics here then go back and do it "again" I see so much stuff I missed high.
  6. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    I figured I would at least give it one more week. It can't hurt. I'm getting ready to transplant the other 3 into larger pots so I'll just leave that one alone and try not to disturb it.
  7. Agnot3000

    Seedling question/trouble

    Just one more quick question. I have 4 seedlings growing atm. 3 of them are coming along very nice. Sitting a few days older than a week. But the 4th plant does not seem to want to grow. Check out the pic its the plant on the right and you'll see what I mean. Thanks for any advice. Should I just...
  8. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Well day 3 of flowering. I have not noticed a lot of physical change in my plants. I assume they are still getting over the shock of half the light they were used to. I can smell them a bit more now in the room every now and then the fan will cross them right and send it my way lol. I have the...
  9. Agnot3000

    noob question about red stems

    I'm starting to get the feeling that it's one of those it could be bad or good things lol. Guess the best thing to do is just watch the overall health of the plant in question and see what happens.
  10. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Well they made it past their first 12 hours of dark and everything seems alright. The one plant I topped about a week and a half ago looks a little bit droopy but I would guess its from the shock of being topped then flowering. I'll keep a close eye on that plant.
  11. Agnot3000

    noob question about red stems

    I'm starting to think its a temp issue at some point at night. The red has at some level always been in the stem area. It's never moved to other parts of the plant. As of yet at least. No worries iloveit we are all here to learn from eachother about the same type of problems :D
  12. Agnot3000

    Quick noob flowering question

    yeah I really should not have it there. They are being replaced with white here this weekend though. I just did it at the time thinking it was better than cardboard.
  13. Agnot3000

    Quick noob flowering question

    Great idea I'll look into that. I have just been sitting here in the dark lol
  14. Agnot3000

    Quick noob flowering question

    I'm thinking of modding a metal cabinet for flowering. The only other spot I have in the room is an ultra small closet. It's big enough to veg in but its only 3'x3'x3' its odd. But thats where I have my seedlings now so I don't have to live with 24/0 light while I'm trying to sleep lol
  15. Agnot3000


    Yes plant one def looks like a boy from here. I would kill em quick before he starts getting frisky with your girls.
  16. Agnot3000

    Quick noob flowering question

    Hello all, Now I know they say your plants should get zero light while in the flowering stage. But my question has to do with the limits of my setup. In nature out in the "country" there is a lot of ambient light coming from stars and the moon. Its never 100% dark. Now I'm having to flower in a...
  17. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Well my 3 little babies are just at 4 weeks old and all almost a foot tall. With some advice posted here I've decided to start flowering them. I really would like to veg some more but with the CFL's and not having a ton of room I really don't want them growing into monster tall plants. I've...
  18. Agnot3000

    noob question about red stems

    Sure thing here are a few shots I took while watering this afternoon. Honestly I'm a bit shocked about how much better they look in pics with the grow lights off lol
  19. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    But I had to take a few more pics from a different angle. I think I'm becoming addicted to just looking at them from time to time. They are all just bagseed I've gotten over the last 9 or 10 months. I've noticed the one has much skinner leaves than the other two, So I'm thinking I have at least...
  20. Agnot3000

    noob question about red stems

    :eyesmoke: That they do. The temps in the room vary. But I had limited choice as to where I could grow. At a high it gets around 85 degs, Not sure why the hall outside can be 5 to 10 deg cooler it beats me. At the lowest that I've seen 66 degs. It just started getting really cold outside aka...