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  1. Agnot3000

    noob question about red stems

    I have two of my babies that seem to have a strong red tint on the upper side of their stems. What is this? I think I saw somewhere that it meant they were getting a little too cold. Is this right? They are just shy of 6 weeks old, Indoor growing and I water every other day sometimes a little...
  2. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Thanks for saying so. I think I over watered today their tips seem a bit droopy. If its one thing I've learned here is even if they are looking good and healthy now a lot can go wrong between seed and when it goes in your fav bowl lol
  3. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Welll moving right along here. The first pic the plant has reached 7" tall and has 7 nodes on it so it "I hope a she" is a bushy little thing. 2nd pic the plant is now 10" tall with 7 nodes. and the 3rd is the plant I had some trouble with yellowing which has started to fade away back to a nice...
  4. Agnot3000

    Question about possible leaf trouble

    I spent some time reading and pulled my head out. Got em in some good soil and larger pots and the yellow and curling faded away. Got to love a place like this with so much good advice and info at your finger tips. They look a lot better.
  5. Agnot3000

    Welcome New Members!

    Just wanted to take a second and say hello. Love the site and I've gained a lot of info that I'm trying to put to use. On my first grow now and I hope there will be many more in the months to come.
  6. Agnot3000

    Agnot's first grow

    Hello friends, I just thought I would post some pics of my first grow. I first made a mistake by just using yard soil but I was able to transplant them into larger pots and they "seem" to be doing great. They are 3 weeks old as of this sunday and I am hoping they are a good size for their age...
  7. Agnot3000

    Question about possible leaf trouble

    I am starting to see the inside edges curly up like this on this one plant. They are not turning yellow but feel very dry in those area's. I've been trying not to over water them watering twice a day. They are at 12 days now and only seeing this on the one of the three plants. I've got them...