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  1. ZombieFarm

    A question about timing and Colloidal Silver

    So I've been doing some Autos on the side, mostly a photo period farmer though. I have some questions about breeding autos, when should I start spraying my femmed auto with CS? Also I was curious as to when I should start the beans I intend to impregnate with male pollen? Should I start plant A...
  2. ZombieFarm

    Can someone Please Help Me.... My plant is whithering and dieing

    Hey, it's not game over as long as you have some green foliage. Looks like the heat got to her, try putting her in a semi shaded area if you're growing under the sun. Give it only half the nutes you've been giving and wait a couple weeks, see if she's willing to keep trying. Also you could...
  3. ZombieFarm

    Just harvested GSC in an AEROGARDEN 3

    Looks like it could have went another 3 weeks.
  4. ZombieFarm

    What Micron?

    I use 120 micron, don't shake it too long, you want it to be blonde, not green.
  5. ZombieFarm

    12/12 from seed 400w hps grow

    Nothing for air circulation?
  6. ZombieFarm

    Am I killing her?

    In photo 1 of 7 the fan leaf looks to have a little burn. Could you post a photo of the entire plant? Oh, and be careful not to over water.
  7. ZombieFarm

    Am I killing her?

    Red stem you say? Check this
  8. ZombieFarm

    Am I killing her?

    Assuming you're in soil all you need to do is add some crushed dolomite lime, 3 table spoons per gallon of soil. That should stabilize your PH. Since you've already started growing you could also mix some dolomite in with your water and top feed. Don't drive yourself crazy chasing PH
  9. ZombieFarm

    Am I killing her?

    Looks like some nute burn to me. Alot of the bottom leaves will fall off throughout your grow, it's nothing to trip about unless you start getting ALOT of leaves falling off. And yes, that's female.
  10. ZombieFarm

    please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

    All I use when using fox farm ocean forest soil is the fox farm trio, big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big. I also use the cha ching, open sesame, and beasty bloomz. Really all you need to pull off a successful grow is grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. Also mix 3 table spoons of dolomite lime...
  11. ZombieFarm

    please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

    After you flush let the soil dry back out before feeding.
  12. ZombieFarm

    please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

    3. when i feed how many gallons do i pour for a 5 gallon tub Assuming you have drainage holes, when the bucket starts puking water out of the bottom.
  13. ZombieFarm

    please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

    My watering container is two gallons, if I'm starting with a new strain I add 2 teaspoons of tiger bloom, and one table spoon of big bloom. I also add some Open Sesame. That is only half a dose, if it seems to tolerate it well after a couple feedings I start adding more.
  14. ZombieFarm

    please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

    Dude, if you're using fox farm ocean forest you don't need to feed them any nutrients for at least a month while they're vegging, just plain old water. If your plants are burned flush them and the next time you feed nutrients just give it half a dose. But if you're still vegging don't give...
  15. ZombieFarm

    Need Some Opinions

    Sure, you can do 4 different strains if you'd like, I mean why not? You may have height issues and some may be more sensitive to nutrients than others. It's what ever you want to do, don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
  16. ZombieFarm

    Flowering Question

    I just don't think they're getting 12 hours on and 12 hours off.... 23 days of flowering should have caused flowering to start by now. Something is up with your lights, re check everything, reset your timer. Are you 100% sure it's been 23 days? I've never had a strain go longer than 14 days...
  17. ZombieFarm

    Good diesel strain

    I grew some headband/sour kush from RP, it had a strong diesel smell... Not too shabby
  18. ZombieFarm

    First Outdoor grow in Northern California - First MAJOR problem.. Please help!!!

    Add some crushed dolomite lime to your water with a little N, see what happens. That's what I'd do.
  19. ZombieFarm

    Flowering Question

    Let me ask you, do you have other plants in the room that are showing sex and flowering since you've switched to 12/12? I gotta say it looks healthy but I can see no signs of sex.. Are you sure you didn't order an Automatic flowering plant? If not I'd check my timer, then double check, then...
  20. ZombieFarm

    Well i think I killed my plant

    Your, uhm, leaves are curling upwards due to heat..... Too much heat... I see no need to flush.