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  1. tightpockt

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    I'm confused...I'm using coco and use 3ml per gallon in veg for a ppm of around 550 and all the way up to 6ml per gallon in are you able to keep your concentrations so low?
  2. tightpockt

    over a pound 1 400w 2'x4' scrog

    How many plants?
  3. tightpockt

    Lets Discuss the Real Ratings

    what's also interesting is all that money that those politicians need to raise to spend on ads to change your mind or influence your opinions are going to become moot. Slowly but surely people are moving away from traditional advertising revenue based media. If the politicians can't change your...
  4. tightpockt

    Does it never get any better?

    People die. It's not something to be sad about. You're going to die too. Seeing that it's inevitable what should you do..worry about death or focus on life?
  5. tightpockt

    Everything MMA Thread

    RDA looked like a beast...he put a beating on pettis for 5 solid rounds. Really impressive. Also impressive was that polish chick, I was out of my chair when she was landing bombs on that other chick..getting goose bumps just thinking about that combo at the end. Hendricks was a beat too but he...
  6. tightpockt

    Everything MMA Thread

    You should have bet...would've cleaned up!
  7. tightpockt

    Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

    First a disclaimer: I'm a total novice when it comes to DIY led's. I didn't know jack about soldering, heatsinks, led's etc untill these threads started popping up (I even asked supra if he would solder my cobs for, something for which i'm still slightly embarrassed about) so take...
  8. tightpockt

    DIY COB reflectors

    I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding reflectors...every other component is relatively simple and abundant except for the reflectors. I guess i'm spoiled and lazy and I'm kind of used to supra doing all the leg I just want something that'll put out an 18" circle at 12"...
  9. tightpockt

    Celastrus Paniculatus

    So you're saying I'm gonna get the shits?
  10. tightpockt

    Do you need an air stone for water cloning?

    When people typically use a bubble cloner they keep the stems out of the water just slightly and when the bubbles pop on the surface it mists the stems like an aerocloner...the mist isn't as fine but it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure how much faster they root doing this vs. just putting...
  11. tightpockt

    Celastrus Paniculatus

    I just ordered 50 grams and plan on making some tea..anybody else have experience with these seeds?
  12. tightpockt

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Why use molasses in coco?
  13. tightpockt

    Why hole in middle of radial heatsink

    yeah..definitely do that
  14. tightpockt

    A Thread On Tapping

    That's almost exactly what I did...Drilling and tapping intimidated me for some reason but it was super easy. Ordered some $6 combo drill and tap on amazon, used a center punch, eyeballed plumb on my drill, used wd-40 and drilled right in producing a satisfying spiral sliver. Then I kinda just...
  15. tightpockt

    How much will I yield!?

    I flushed my plant and my plumber says theres no way to get it back
  16. tightpockt

    switching to lights on at night...

    You're over thinking doesn't matter.
  17. tightpockt

    ProMax LED=wow

    lol @ 1.5 pounds,,,that gave me a chuckle
  18. tightpockt

    How much will I yield!?

    well i soaked it in ph up for 24 days before I put it in the paper towel. then I planted the paper towls in some miracle grow that had been sitting under my deck since before I bought my house back in '94... She sprouted and I immediately topped her..twice. Now she's under 100w of cfl (10000000w...