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  1. josh878

    fert question

    i just found a pack of fert rods that are 13-4-5 if i where to put like 2 of these would that work
  2. josh878

    fert question

    so witch one of my three would be the best for me to use
  3. josh878

    fert question

    would the 20-30-20 work better that the rest
  4. josh878


    what is are the 2 little bars below my join date. and did they just add the other name thing below my name it used to just say. josh878 ganja smoker and now is says josh878 ganja smoker Pot Head is this new just wondering
  5. josh878

    fert question

    what is the best fert to use during vegg. i have Schultz fertilizer one is 20-30-20 other is 10-15-10 or i have maxibloom that is 4-14-15 out of these 3 what would be the best for vegg stage.
  6. josh878

    little yellow flowers

    they just showed up and its in like its last week of flowering
  7. josh878

    little yellow flowers

    so there are like little yellow flowers on the tops and some on the bottom of my last plant i dont no what they are. just wondering ifr anyone knows what they are.
  8. josh878


    he's feeling alright he drank a bunch of water and said he feels better so i think he'll be fine
  9. josh878


    so i had some fertilizer mixed up in a Gatorade bottle and my buddy was kind of stoned and he drank like 2 huge mouths full of it and now he is freaking out. question what should he do and is he going to die
  10. josh878

    what is this

    i herd there was maxibloow and maxi growth is that right
  11. josh878

    what is this

    this is the fert i am using Use MaxiBloom (NPK: 5-15-14) for the reproductive stage in fast growing annuals. MaxiBloom forces prolific flowering and fruiting and stimulates higher yields and crop quality. For most applications, use 1 teaspoon per gallon. (Orchids, use 1/2 tsp per gallon)...
  12. josh878

    first time

    can anyone tell me what month is harvest month.
  13. josh878

    what is this

    i am in the very end of my flowering stage and i am using a 5-14-15 fert i wil post the name and nutes later, and i am using 12 23 watt CLF bulbs.
  14. josh878

    first time

    i am doing my first outdoor grow and i am just wondering how many weeks it takes for outdoor growing to tell male or female plants. and what month do u normally harvest outdoor plants.
  15. josh878

    what is this

    so this just started to happen ro the leaves on my plant and i dont no what it is.
  16. josh878

    what i got from first grow

    one of the plants is about that big
  17. josh878

    what i got from first grow

    so i can add the big 42w ones and mix them with the blue vegg lights. because the big 42w ones are yellow right. and some one told me that he big 42watt Sylvania clf's have mercury in them. is this true
  18. josh878

    what i got from first grow

    they have these super bright clf for like working on your car and shit at menards they are 500 watts clfs. and they come in blue and yellow just like the house clf's think these would work.
  19. josh878

    what i got from first grow

    where can u get 40 watt clf
  20. josh878

    what i got from first grow

    yea i do need to add some more bulbs because i was only useing like 12 23 watt clf's for like 8 plants.