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  1. G


    lol i havent watered since before transplanting lol.... and they are still mosit...
  2. G


    just what I needed to hear ! cheers mate +rep.
  3. G


    having same issue but i just transplaanted..
  4. G


    So I've moved once with my plants, had to change times so it wouldnt be different then any other day. They looked great up until a couple of days ago when i transplanted.. i mean i did shiity transplant... now when the lights are on the plant droops and the plant is great.. dont think its...
  5. G

    how long dark period?

    damnit i done fucked myself up ok well thanks! :D
  6. G

    how long dark period?

    i transplanted my fucking plant for the final time.. i dont care how much light i want to know how long i put in the dark for the dark period before i put it back into light again..?
  7. G

    how long dark period?

    no i need to know how long of a dark period someone gives their plants after transplanting for the final time...?
  8. G

    how long dark period?

    after my final transplant...?
  9. G

    plant super droopy when lights on with pics!

    no i didnt but what can i do now..?
  10. G

    plant super droopy when lights on with pics!

    anyone hellllpPP!! lol..
  11. G

    plant super droopy when lights on with pics!

    600 watt hps.. 15+ inches away.. hasnt been watered for awhile..still moist soil... ph is 7 after water 7 nutes every 3rd water usually...
  12. G

    plant super droopy when lights on with pics!

    so when the lights are on the plant is bad but when they go off it starts to stretch and looks much better. i just transplanted a couple days ago...there are 3 plants..
  13. G

    plant droopy when light is on

    600 watt hps...
  14. G

    plant droopy when light is on

    when my light goes off my plants are better but when light is onthey are extremely droopy whats going on? i havent watered em for a couple days i just transplanted a fw days ago but thtey seem to be getting worse
  15. G

    Plant prunes itself? Droopy leaves...

    hello anyone knoowww? loll
  16. G

    Plant prunes itself? Droopy leaves...

    bump... bump bump bump.
  17. G

    Plant prunes itself? Droopy leaves...

    since i transplanted a few days ago my 8 inch babies have been rooping alot.. 2 leaves on each plant were turning yellow so i took em off...the leaves that i took off were one of its first pairs of leaves... whats going on tho? are the roots hurt or what??
  18. G

    Roots surfaced hit by light rays fuck!

    no and i gotta go fuckkk meee...
  19. G

    Roots surfaced hit by light rays fuck!

    no but i have no idea whas wrong i transplanted a couple days ago but last night they looked good, then i woke up this morning light goes on at 2 am and i saw some roots showing and my plants look horrible!!!!!