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  1. Swisher Sweet

    Early Arrival?

    This plants 41 days into flower,rock hard buds and 50%-60% trichs are cloudy. Generally a 56 day flowering plant. It appears done but Sooooooo early. Wonder why?
  2. Swisher Sweet

    super silver haze day 41 flower GODDAMN! how much longer!

    I Use Fox Farm products and swear by them!
  3. Swisher Sweet

    super silver haze day 41 flower GODDAMN! how much longer!

    Cmon Man!!!! I do agree completely you need to go MH/HPS next time and try and get a clone so you know what your dealing with.
  4. Swisher Sweet

    super silver haze day 41 flower GODDAMN! how much longer!

    Let me make this clear you are never wasting your time when your GAINING KNOWLEDGE! Next time will better and the time after that even better or it should be.
  5. Swisher Sweet

    I feel stupid I can't figure this out. How do you save or extract info, pictures or videos from...

    I feel stupid I can't figure this out. How do you save or extract info, pictures or videos from a particular post? Is there a way to archive or put it in a folder for easy access and reference for future viewing?
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    i grow with soil. I already have all the small items I'll need as I already have grown for a while now. I just wanted to make sure I had included all that would be necessary in regards to ventilation, AC, scrubber so I can price it out. Know what I'm dealing with in regards to the building just...
  7. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    What do you think ballpark expense would be on such a system excluding the lights (I am assuming I have to get the vented hood 600's to make it work). So, I guess I can get it priced. I'll need the co2 filter, ducting, AC, scrubber and 600's (4). Anything else?
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    Definitely will add AC just won't need it until July (more I think about it May). Live right on the water and temp rarely over 75. I know with the lights I will need AC! Will add. Or maybe it makes sense to vent throught the lights. I want to look long term (AC) or venting through the lights...
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    Ok. Have 5 strains may only keep 4 (Moms at 400 MH). I grow primarily Indica with 2' probably not accurate (maybe 1.25'- 1.5'). I sometimes will take the main cola and continue in flower as 3 of my strains produce one large Cola. I am interested in learning the LST and Sgrog method however. AC...
  10. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    45 mqx including rooting clones.This is good I appreciate your input and CAD skills I have none so I see the advantage. Ineed ork space I know peopleforget about that. However, not much as I can work in tight spaces when to my advantage. Don't need it to be the penthouse at the Ritz. Mostly, a...
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    Decided on 600's.Know I am going to need AC but I live in a marine climate that rarely gets above 75-80 so I think I won't need it until July. One step at a time. Goal is to establish quality environment with quality equipment to begin initial grow. Will add co2, AC and scrubber over the next...
  12. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    Ok. So I can grow 45 total at one time ( clones,veg and flower) .3-4 ft but haven't vegged them longer because of height restrictions. Oh yea 2 feet wide.Thanks in advance.
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    So much info to digest. OK. In the next month I will be designing. Again as I expressed money is important but I'd rather put it together right (RELATIVELY) at the risk of slowing down the actual grow. What I have is this. A prefab building 12'x16'x8'. Three rooms from this space (veg...
  14. Swisher Sweet

    Grow Room From Scratch?

    OK so I have the opportunity to build a grow room from the ground up with constraints being as follow: Stand alone 12X16 building (all usable)-want to keep costs under control but would rather build with quality equipment and add as I go. In other words I want to begin with base needs...
  15. Swisher Sweet

    Flower 36 days -one ahead of schedule?

    I have a plant which appears to be ahead of schedule. The one marked Bagdad is the one absolutely rockhard and trichs 20% cloudy although for some reason on this plant I'm really having a hard time reading them (cloudy/clear). I can almost count on 58-59 days like clock work. Since there has...
  16. Swisher Sweet

    Why is the price of ballasts dropping like crazy?

    Just for your info I could not find a fan last week anywhere but a horticulture shop and outrageously expensive. Walmart got them in over the weekend (seasonal). I bought 2 16" 3 speed oscillating fans for $19.94 apiece. Had 18 inch fans same specs for $29.94.
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Higher Yields?

    I knew that was a piece I was missing. Think I have solid environment. Substantially different Yields? If so I'll do it tomorrow. Thanks PC.
  18. Swisher Sweet

    Higher Yields?

    I'm familiar with the benefits but again is there a reputable place to get accurate info so I don' butcher my plants. Still trying to find that strain with superior quality and substantial yield (Like Everyone). Ideas?
  19. Swisher Sweet

    Higher Yields?

    Best place to get info on doing a scrog? Thanks in advance.