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  1. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Look great to me and definely not Mildew!
  2. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Purple Urple. Sative strain takes along time to cycle but once finished very nice strain. If you don't take it far enough in flower it is dissapointing otherwise great strain with great head high. Problem is I was given a clone so I only have the info my pal who gave it to me had to offer so I...
  3. Swisher Sweet

    best cfl for clones

    Justl ook at this guys posts over the last week that will tell the whole story!
  4. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Just look at the current threads and you'll see this guy is a downer. I've been having issues with this guy for a week and he basically says he's the only one who knows how to grow on the planet. Basically all he says is I know nothing and either does anyone else. I am going to post pics my last...
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Indoor soil growing. Advice?

    Cool actual advice without some denigrating comment!
  6. Swisher Sweet

    best cfl for clones

    Boy your building quite a reputation for yourself. NOT!
  7. Swisher Sweet

    I had a branch break off...

    Explain? you broke a branch in flower and want to clone it right? Not the best way to take a clone but can be done it just takes along time to revert back to veg. I've seen it done but again it took forever.
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Kind of ironic considering it is all us disseminating misinformation and screwing up everyone's grow. Consider this as tough love GrOwGreen!
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Thank the grow gods! Everything you say I believe to be accurate. Somebody else has seen the light in regards to this obnoxious, over zealous know it all. Stuck in his own mind thinking his way is the only way. You would think he is publishing his own bible shortly. Problem is he's the only...
  10. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    Exactly right! In this case it is his way of saying you don't know what the hell your doing and cut corners all based on advice they got from others on this site.
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    First of all I didn't say anything above 5 gallons would be wasted (I said seemed) depending on your/his circumstances. I said based on what the original post says and his apparent skill level 5 gallons would be sufficient. He doesn't seem to be using the products you describe to increase root...
  12. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    You again! Nobody denies that with larger pots, greater root mass and longer veg yields go up significantly. I have a space issue so I cannot veg as long. This is my cycle and it works for me with damn good results. You obviously have some knowledge but TACT is something you could work on. Over...
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    First of all everyone grows a little different. I suggest you determine what works for you and stick with it. That said there are some basic principles you must adhere to. In regards tothe advice yougot in culling and changing pots.I ama firm believer that your pot size is determined by several...
  14. Swisher Sweet

    I messed up!! Left lights on in flower!

    Your fine! Just don't let it happen again (or often). It happens to all of us at some point or another unless you have an absolutely fool proof system.
  15. Swisher Sweet

    Light Leaks

    Agreed. Just wanted to point out for those with an anxed simple measures alleviate the concern (MAYBE). We are all told from the beginning complete darkness but as you know that isn't completely accurate. No more than natural full moon the standard but a little light here and there has never...
  16. Swisher Sweet

    going from harvest... back to veg?

    You have a clone that"s all you need. The genetics you seek are right there. The hassle to do what you suggest is not worth it!
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog at this stage?

    I know those who swear by the Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Use all Fox Farm Nutes myself. However I have had such great success with Happy Frog I've stuck with it. There are alot of quality soils, nutes etc. and everyone who uses them swears by them. RESULTS ARE THE KEY!
  18. Swisher Sweet

    Light Leaks

    I had a red LED on a heater for two grows with no ill affects. Lets face it thought if you see a light just double duct tape it and eliminate your concerns. EASY!
  19. Swisher Sweet

    ? about tricomes

    Amber is usually what to look for. That seems like a long time in flower for an Indica although I am not sure about that strain.
  20. Swisher Sweet

    Pot Size?

    Now this makes sense!