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  1. Rexob715

    Good digital scales????

    Does any one know of a decent digital scale? What brand, where did you get it, cost, etc.? I will not be weighing large amounts.......less than 500 grams, so I think a pocket scale would work, but just want some opinions! Thanks in advance!
  2. Rexob715

    First grow- 46 days from seed-PICS

    I would just cover the 2 liters with a black plastic bag or something of the like. Light on the roots, where the water is sitting, will breed algae as the light hits them. Otherwise, I am jealous of your stems. WOW! Did you top them?
  3. Rexob715

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Yeah, they did turn out very small. LOL But I was kind of expecting them to do so, since I grow bonsai and a trunk chop forces the energy of the tree back down, which in turns causes bushiness. (If that is a word?) I will attempt to reveg as long as I can, but I could tell with this grow that...
  4. Rexob715

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Hi, I revegged them for about 3 weeks under CFL's.......(8) 26watters and (2) 4ft. shop tubes. 18/6 light cycle. Then went straight to 12/12 with 400W HPS.
  5. Rexob715

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Sure do! These pics were taken about 1.5 weeks before harvest. Harvest was Oct. 26th. Not a bad turn around time. :bigjoint: Revegging definitely produces smaller buds because the plant bushes out so much. So, I believe I had more colas, but the buds were much smaller this time. Next reveg...
  6. Rexob715

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Hi, This was my second grow. I just revegged my 3 northern lights plants and here is the harvest. My first grow went a full 8 weeks. This time, I chopped about a week early just to see the difference! Please let me know what you think! WHAT YOU SEE ON WHITE GARBAGE BAG IS ONLY 1 PLANT'S...
  7. Rexob715

    Most Efficent?

    I think the best is LST. I used it for my first grow and loved it. I used LST on northern lights, although I didn't have to; its already small. I used it on Haze x Skunk and turned out nice. See pic. That's 2 different plants in LST!
  8. Rexob715

    what should i rent

    Although, the BEST scenario would be to rent from an individual that lives out of town, my small set up barely smelled and there is hardly any noise at all. (Ok, I did use some pine sol to cover some smell. Not that I had to, I live in a house, but just to see how it would do if I did have...
  9. Rexob715

    A couple questions about growrm size

    10 TALL plants should be fine as long as your space is big enough. YOu listed horizontal dimensions, not vertical. Usually, 1 plant per sq. ft, but depends on if you are cloning, scrog, LST, etc. If you have a 6'x6', then 10 plants should not be problem, no matter how you grow them. Of...
  10. Rexob715

    Ready for harvest? help a newb, good pics/porn!

    Ahhhh, one step ahead of you. Already bought one. LOL Knew I was going to need it. The trichs are about 30% amber 70% clear/cloudy. Should I pay attention to trichs or hairs? I do plan on going an extra week, but what is harm in going 2-3 more weeks. I mean, will i lose my harvest or...
  11. Rexob715

    Ready for harvest? help a newb, good pics/porn!

    Hey, This is my northern lights bud. It is, tomorrow, finished with 7 full weeks of flowering. Ministry of cannabis says 8 weeks, but what do you guys think??? Never grown before, so don't know REALLY how to tell like the experienced growers would. Thanks!
  12. Rexob715

    LST attempt. . .

    Also, as you bend the top down, try to get it lower than other buds.........kind of like a candy cane. Getting the top of the plant lower than the lowest bud will make the hormones transfer down the stalk to these essence creating a new main cola. Of course my first attempt does...
  13. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Hey man, Yes, I like the tent, but have not compared it to others......functionally, or first hand, anyway. I have had no problems with my tent, at all. Heat was my biggest issue, but I think its because I went cheap on the exhaust fans.(damn duct fans) Should have went within an inline!! I...
  14. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Today is almost 6.5 weeks. Ministry of Cannabis website says that northern lights takes 8 weeks, but I have heard that it flowers early. All in all, I hope to have less than 2 weeks! Should be getting G13 Haze from Attitude seeds this week and that will be my next grow!
  15. Rexob715

    Does Isc New York (Usps) Mean It Got Past Customs?

    My order from Attitude says the same thing, except Oct. 8th.
  16. Rexob715

    Best Time To Add Black Molasses??

    Hi, You're going to get different answers on this, but I started when I changed the lights to 12/12. Just added 1 tsp to gallon of water, PHed it, then watered plants with it, every other watering. After 4 weeks of flowering, I added 2tsp per gallon and continued watering, every other...
  17. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    This weekend marks the end of 6 weeks of flower! The pistils are about 50% amber/brown. I haven't looked at the trichs under magnification in the last week. I hope I have about 2 weeks to go!
  18. Rexob715

    Area need for a 400w MH

    I agree with bongrippinbob! I was trying to go cheap, since I spent a lot of money on tent, light, nutes, etc. If I had to do it all over again............I would have definitely spent the extra cash to buy a good fan! Since I didn't buy an expensive fan..........I just had to buy more...
  19. Rexob715

    Area need for a 400w MH

    Sure man! Hope this helps!
  20. Rexob715

    Area need for a 400w MH

    I have a 400W in a 20in x 36in x 64in tent. And yes, I had a lot of problems at first with heat. But, I ducted a floor vent into tent, 4in duct fan for light exhaust, 6in duct fan as tent exhaust, plus (3) 4in fans from walmart circulating air in tent. Tent is in spare bedroom and door is...