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  1. Rexob715

    when flushing plants, should I still keep using molasses?

    You can use it right up to harvest. I have!
  2. Rexob715

    sphagnum peat moss

    You really should switch to a soil, but add some things to it to lighten it up. Vermiculite, perilite, Turface MVP, etc. etc. The white/yellow stuff is most likely calcium or something else from your water. You using tap water? If so, then you need to switch to distilled or bottled water, IMO!
  3. Rexob715

    first grow in years..indoor cfl (purple Kush strain)

    Dont use tin foil, it will cause hot spots. Use plain flat white paint or mylar. Also for 5 plants you are most likely going to need MANY lights as the plants get older and taller. CFL's do not penetrate deep down into the foliage well and you will need to supplement with lateral side...
  4. Rexob715

    do days and no sign of sex or flowering

    Some strains just take longer to show signs of male/female. Also, do you have a light leak somewhere, maybe? Also, I am kind of new, so I start looking at the top then go down at lest two or three branches. When you see balls, you will not mistake them for anything else. Trust me!
  5. Rexob715

    what u think !!!! im a beginner :}

    Pictures would be better for us to comment on!
  6. Rexob715

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Yeah, I think this idea sounds great, but the soil area will retain more water than the hydroton/perilite area. So, the hydroton/perilite area may not hold enough water to bridge the gap between the two soil layers. I don't know that your roots would be able to grow thru the hydroton/perilite...
  7. Rexob715

    wondering how much to sell for

    I live in GA too and its VERY pricey here in the Bible belt. Easily 30 per gram!
  8. Rexob715

    400W Sun Hut XL Heat Problems/Suggestions

    The fan you have should be plenty strong enough, but you need to push the air thru the tube/glass and out of the tent...............somehow. I wish my camera was working. But basically, out of the other end of the light, you should have some more ducting running to outside your tent. This way...
  9. Rexob715

    400W Sun Hut XL Heat Problems/Suggestions

    Since you've already got a 400W, you could just opt to get another 400W......for a total of 800W. Or were you thinking 600 + 400? Just vent the light, you will be much better off. Right now, on a 400W light, all I have is a suncourt 4in duct fan pullin air thru a supernova. Will have to...
  10. Rexob715

    Ona Gel???

    Take some pine sol and put it in a jar or some wide mouth open container and mix in some water..........put it in your grow room. Replenish or refill every few days/week or so! works all the time and smells good too!!
  11. Rexob715

    400W Sun Hut XL Heat Problems/Suggestions

    A shorter distance in your cooling may help. Run that ducting from your A/C to the bottom left 4" hole. This should cut down on some distance for air to travel and not get heated in the process like that light is doing. Also, you really need to have some way to directly exhaust that light...
  12. Rexob715

    Plant growing TOO fast; TOUGH question

    You can still bend it over. Find some way to tie it down.
  13. Rexob715

    Making great f2 seeds?

    No geneticist, but I believe you will pick the best male on phenotype........the way it looks/grows. I believe you will choose the biggest, fattest, strongest male of the bunch and that one should be the best. Also, I would imagine that, during a cross anyway, that the genetics will be most...
  14. Rexob715

    pH question

    Increase PH add baking soda. Decrease PH add vinegar. It only takes a very little bit of either if you are using distilled water like I am so I have never had a problem. Most, if not all the time, I am adding just a pinch or two of baking soda to raise the PH to 6.5 in soil. Or you could...
  15. Rexob715

    Molasses With Every Watering?

    I only use it during flowering and start out at 1 tblspn per gallon during first two weeks, then for last two weeks, I water at 2 tblspn per gallon........every time I water. Oh, I will usually give nutes every time I water too, never a problem with my experience anyway.
  16. Rexob715

    Fox Farm Fertilizer Need Help.

    I am using FF, and for weeks 1 and 2 of 12/12 you should use 2 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom and 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom. During the 3rd week of 12/12 is when you should start adding Big grow again. They have a chart online somewhere, just too stoned and lazy to help you look.
  17. Rexob715

    LST General Questions.

    You can use just about anything. I use unwound coat hangers(cut and made into candy canes) initially, but usually my plants outgrow the pot, so I end up using string and tape. Looks hideous, but the bud is NICCEEEEEE!
  18. Rexob715

    10 square ft closet grow

    Yeah, I think you would get an excellent yield. Keep the lights as close to the tops as you can, even if you have to add another small fan or two. They are 7 bucks at wal-mart for 4in. desk fans. (Were 5 bucks, damn inflation.) I have heard that you want 50W per sq. ft. and I use a 400W in a...
  19. Rexob715

    New Grow room

    Seems like you got a good start. Get rid of those lights or increase the wattage, significantly. You want, optimally, 50W per sq. ft. I use a 400W in a small 2x3 tent. 400W divided by 6sq.ft = 50W per sq.ft. I read your other post and opening the door once a day may be great for getting rid of...
  20. Rexob715

    Good digital scales????

    Awesome man! thanks again and will do!