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  1. Rexob715

    New at this!

    Generally, you want to germinate the seed first before planting. Only takes a day or two anyways. I have heard that you can just plant the seed in soil, add a little water and wait for it to sprout.........but I would and do germinate first. Once you see a small white tail emerge from the...
  2. Rexob715

    5 weeks into veg... how much longer till i should start flowering? pics included!!

    YOur pics did not show up! At least on my computer anyways. If you have no height restrictions, then let them grow until you see pre-flowers, which means it has reached its sexual maturity. If you have height restrictions, then start to flower now......but again, I did not see the pics.
  3. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Update: 2 males, 3 females Came home for lunch today to let my dogs out and guess what I find............BALLS on two of my plants(Haze x Skunk) see pics. At least one northern lights plant is already showing pistils. see pics. Now that I had to remove the males, my tent looks kind of...
  4. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Thanks man, Yeah, all plants are in individual 8in pots. At first, I was using wire hangers to tie/hold it, I have to use string and tape it to outside of pot. This thing should really produce!!!
  5. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Just an update on my ladies.........well, at least 3 should be! I separated the Haze x Skunk plants in photo program so you can see how massive they are. The 3 small ones are northern lights. All plants were grown using LST. Also, my light was around 25-27inches above plants. I have moved it...
  6. Rexob715

    Paperclips good or bad?

    HI, My plants after a couple to a few weeks of age in LST. You may be just tying down the fan leaves instead of main stem, but paperclips should be fine for either. Pic #1 is Haze x Skunk #1 Pic #2 is northern lights -rexob715
  7. Rexob715

    EARLY LST for seedling

    Well, write to this guy and tell him he is wrong............antipythium. also if you google "lst marijuana auxin" you will come across a lot of resources from multiple sites that back up my claim! It...
  8. Rexob715

    EARLY LST for seedling

    In my opinion, you should wait. I believe one of the purposes of LST is to let the hormones shift in the plant stalk to help the lower buds grow and flowering more when that time comes. Someone told me that you should wait until 3-5 nodes(2-3weeks old) on your branch before you LST and try to...
  9. Rexob715

    My lst plant

    pics please! Here are a couple of shots of my Haze x Skunk in LST just before flowering. I am on day 2 of flowering.
  10. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    I have no idea.......don't even have a good guess. What do you think? What do any experienced growers think? 1oz per plant? 5oz per plant? I am assuming at least 1 of the Haze x Skunks will be male and killed on site. Overall, I expect to have 4 plants. Just started 12/12 with HPS this...
  11. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    I have been following Fox Farms nute schedule, but when I transplanted into 8in. pots the soil did have some nutes in it. So, didn't know for sure and I have clipped off a leaf or two that did turn yellow. Yeah, I knew that northern lights were going to be small, but knew nothing about Haze X...
  12. Rexob715

    First grow; 400W HPS, tent, Fox farm nutes!

    Update: I will be turning out the lights in about 30mins. and leaving them off for 36 hours before putting them on 12/12 with my 400w HPS light. I have been tying them down like a bitch and the two biggest ones are about 5 weeks old..........Haze x Skunk. Both are showing pre-flowers, but...
  13. Rexob715

    What does kind bud sell for in your area?

    You said it! That is exact reason I joined and started a grow. Everybody around here touts their shit like it is gold, but when you actually get smokes like yard clippings and when the good shit does come around, you have to take out a loan to get decent quantity. Thanks for...
  14. Rexob715

    What does kind bud sell for in your area?

    Yeah, I am on east country and it is a big no no around here. Damn, I am moving to cali or midwest. LOL
  15. Rexob715

    What does kind bud sell for in your area?

    I just bought a couple of grams of OG Kush and paid $30 per. Very pricey from my experience, but then again, kind bud does not come around that often. I usually find mid grades at about $50 per quarter oz. I don't plan on selling any of my stuff when i harvest, but just wondering what kind...
  16. Rexob715

    can I flower before pre-flowers?

    Overall, I think you will find mixed responses. Ideally, you should wait, but if you are confined by space, time, etc. then you can start flowering any time you want. Want bigger, healthier buds...........wait for maturity/preflowers. Just want something to smoke...........flower whenever...
  17. Rexob715

    Opinion: Should I flower or not?

    A few pics, but not sure. It does seem like it is pointed, not rounded.......but will probably take another few days. Definitely no hairs coming out!
  18. Rexob715

    What do pre-flowers look like?

    Don't know if anyone can tell or not. Pictures with magnifying glass are I will post a few just taken a few minutes ago. It does seem that it is pointed, not rounded..........but still, what do I know?
  19. Rexob715

    What do pre-flowers look like?

    Thanks and great pic, BTW! Do you need magnification to see them or just naked eye?
  20. Rexob715

    What do pre-flowers look like?

    I have 5 plants vegging right now and a couple of more experienced growers have advised me to wait for pre-flowers to show before I start flowering. What do they look like? Does anyone have pictures? I am an idiot(noob) and an explanation may not be good enough!:mrgreen: Thanks a million!