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  1. tommytoker

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    AMEN!!! I couldn't agree more.
  2. tommytoker

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    You fucking liberal idoit, you and your kind are the reason our country and world is so screws up with you pushing your liberal ideas on everything that can be voted on. Obama is out to destroy our country as fast as he can. He has never run a lemonade stand yet he spouts out all these speaches...
  3. tommytoker

    cfl and hps grow indoor

    I have astma and smoking weed seems to aggrevata it. Never heard of smoke helping astma but i fit works for you great.
  4. tommytoker

    4 weeks Flowering

    thanks for the info.
  5. tommytoker

    Update...(please help sick plant)

    I see, thanks makes perfect sense. thanks again
  6. tommytoker

    Update...(please help sick plant)

    COULD THIS HAVE MADE MY PLANT SICK??? I harvested the plant at 7 wks hoping to salvage some of the weed. A few days later I found seeds in the buds. Could she have went "hermie" and that may have made her sick>
  7. tommytoker

    cfl and hps grow indoor

    Edit your post so one can read it!! BIGGER IS BETTER
  8. tommytoker

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    I have chronic pain around my heart due to an infection after open heart surgery 13 yaers ago and in my low back frfom an accident and weed does help dull the pain. The pain pill producers don't want the competion. The oil producers don't want it because of the hemp oil can make plastics that...
  9. tommytoker

    Root Bound In 5 gallon Buckets - help!

    plant looks nice that buds i see? if you do plant don't disturb root ball. when you fill in the soil water with a garden hose until water runs out on the gground around it. flooding with water will reduce the risk of any aair pockets around roots....very important.
  10. tommytoker

    Clear Trichs

    Will clear trichs get you high? plants are looking stressed and want to harvest before they die. 8 wks flowering 7/19.
  11. tommytoker

    2 weeks left?

    yep a couple of weeks.....what do the trichs look like??
  12. tommytoker

    She DIED

    The plant from my post "please help sick plant" died yesterday and it was sad. 16 wks of nuturing the old girl was in vain. A Moment of silence please.
  13. tommytoker

    What type of light should i use when im flowering?

    HPS is the best light for flowering. I went to the electrical supply and bought a ballast, capacitor, ignighter and bulb and built my own for half the cost of a factory made one. I have 10 plants flowering 7 under HPS and 3 undercfls 2700k 100w and the difference is like black and white.
  14. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    shit my house isn't that cool of a temp. I live in the south along the gulf coast and it is hot as hell outside and 74 inside. When does the heat start hurting's been that hot for 15 weeks. Just started showing up on 2out of 7 plants.
  15. tommytoker

    PH Down: Citric Vs. Hydrochloric

    Plain white vineger will pull the ph down.....1 teaspoon per gal of water.
  16. tommytoker

    My homemade under $15 cfl 6 light fixture.

    why did you tear the bulb up on the end.....just to get to the wires?? I paid $1.37 ea for light receptacles at Lowes and wired them up in series and screwed the bulbs in. so easy to mount to a reflecter sheild.
  17. tommytoker

    Sannies seeds all the way

    Would you tell me how you paid for the seeds and if you had then sent to your home address. I want to buy some real bad but afraid of home delivery.
  18. tommytoker

    first time grower..EVER!!...bag budget!!

    Go to Lowes and buy you 8 plastic keyless light rectacles and 8 100 w cfls 6500k . Mount light receptacles on a peice of plywood and wire up. When you get ready to flower then buy 8 100w 2700k cfls to exchange. I vegged 11 plants with cfls and got great results. Good luck
  19. tommytoker

    4 weeks Flowering

    This is one of my plants that have been treated to the same conditions as the Sick plant I posted earlier. I would like for you smart growers to help me keep it as healthy as I can. Please look at it and if you see some problems....please comment. 2 on left are pic of my 4 wk and far right is...
  20. tommytoker

    Buying Seeds

    Thanks, have you had any problem getting them mailed to you home address? I'm nervous about receiving at home.